Sunday, June 19, 2011

The guy is cutting his arm off in the other room.

The guy is cutting his arm off in the other room. Leanne can't talk right now. She is watching. I took a pass on this one. Made food and brought her water instead. I am reading about people who turned their book into a blog. I am reading articles about query letters. I am perusing the 1996 Writer's Market book, which says to expect rejection. It says not to let it slow you down. James Franco's arm is off. Hooray! "He did it. He did it. He did it. He did it," she repeats triumphantly.

Now he can walk out of the cavern and get himself to safety. Thanks goodness. It is a great day. "The arm is gone. The arm is gone." I can go watch it now. Snuggle with my baby. "Wow! Amazing! James Franco should win an Oscar for this for real." This is the part I was skipping. "This movie is awesome. Wow!" I love Leanne. I'm going to watch him walk away. Good night.

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