Saturday, July 23, 2016

Operation 365 2... Blog 212

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Originals – 212  “Rune’s Birthday Tune” by Jefferson Jay

Hello, and a fun-filled, exciting, summer day to everyone out in There-Land. Today, the day is full of things to do. I must fit this in too, so that will happen too. My pals from Vermont, Phish, are coming to SD tonight. I’d love to go, but we will see what the immediate future holds as the day begins to blossom.

I woke up trying to bust this out ASAP so I could delight in the other issues of the day. Somehow this led me to my bathroom for a change of pace. Either that or I haven’t brushed my teeth yet and it’s time.

I made up a couple of original tunes but they were roughly on the level of yesterday’s “Comic-Con” tune and I decided to go elsewhere for my daily original song. I dipped into ye ole archives and pulled out a birthday song I write for a young friend at his parent’s request for his second birthday a few years back. This young man’s folks are festival/Burning Man superstars and they are both mentioned by name in the lyrics.

I enjoy writing and playing songs for people, like this one. It’s a unique gift, I suppose. So hooray for Rune at 2. I think he may be 6 now. Or 5. Hallelujah! Happy ones to you, Rune!

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay – Covers – 212 “Running Down A Dream” by Tom Petty

I love this tune. Who doesn’t? I’m pretty sure Tom Petty’s “Full Moon Fever” tape yes, it was a tape) was one of the first times I got into legitimately cool tunes. No offense to Billy Joel, who was practically required reading, growing up where and when I did, but “Full Moon Fever” was different. Tom Petty, his videos, they were just cool.

Tom sings a line in this tune. It is “I was so blind” He was talking about how he was “blind to what was going on around him. This term is commonly used this way in lyrics and I probably have done it myself on occasion. I think it was a less than ideal term, even though I understand it. I am fortunate to know some truly inspiring blind folks, who are “blind” to very little, despite the fact that they can’t see. I do not intend to get all PC about it, but I’m just saying… It is not the greatest or most accurate way to describe stuff. But my blind friends say “See you later” and respond” to that too, so I’ll just say it’s an expression in this context and leave it at that.

Tom, great tune. I bet it would be cool to meet you.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Words – 212 “Bathroom Rules”

Folks there’s a few different rules when you start coming to people direct from your bathroom, even if it is just for a change of pace for a day, like it is here with me. For instance, clothes on. This is a classy program and we’re not here to titillate with scandal or anything of that ilk. Also, you do not want to be showing anyone your toilet and whatever unfortunate remnants may be lingering in it. Let’s face it. Some folks follow too closely. And not just on the highways, I tell ya. That’s right, folks. Keep it decent in the bathroom and you should be OK. It can be splendid acoustics and there are fewer places where one is more at ease nude than in the room with the porcelain throne. Use it wisely, Share carefully, and enjoy summer love. Peace. Trump have mercy. 

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