Sunday, February 21, 2016

Operation 365 2... Blog 59

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Covers – 59 “Watching the Wheels” by John Lennon

It’s not easy on a Sunday morning to be a 365er sometimes. You wake up refreshed and ready to enjoy a full day of relaxation but duty beckons and there are videos that need to be done. Lately, I have been trying to do things first thing in the morning when I don’t have to work to create a free slate of sorts for the duration of the day.

So, today, I grabbed the first piece of paper I could find with a song on it and it was this one. I tried a few versions and reacquainted myself with the jamboree and then I out my head down and got to work, literally.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Originals – 59 “The Days of the Week” by Jefferson Jay

Without necessarily meaning to, I have been making original songs/videos with kids in mind these days. Foreshadowing? Who knows? Not I. I’ve been making up songs on the spot and lately, I find myself singing about Sesame Street staples such as counting to 20, ort like here the days of the week. Shout out to Cookie Monster, who may have influenced the voice I’m using here, mere decades before Tom Waits did.

If you’re kid needs to learn the days of the week and this helps ‘em, hallelujah!, may wonders never cease. I’ve been writing songs about months for years so I guess it was only a matter of time until I got to “The Days of the Week.”

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Words – 59 “Creative Solutions”

Advice for anybody pursuing a 365 on a Sunday. It is no walk in the park… unless you take your camera and film your videos while walking in the park, in which case, it IS a walk in the park. Thank you. Have a swell weekend a week full of bulging, bombastic freeness.

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