Monday, February 22, 2016

Operation 365 2... Blog 60

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Originals – 60 “I Love” by Jefferson Jay

Hi. I think I wrote this tune in 2015. Can’t say I have the clearest recollection of that.  It is also possible that some time in 2015 I found this song in some old stuff I wrote and just typed it out and finished it up. I don’t especially remember. Either way, “I Love” is a nice, short, mantra of a song with messages one can repeat for more positive ands enriching days. The lyric “Om Shanti” is interchangeable with “I see” in the second verse in case that more suits your mantric needs. I don’t know if mantric is a word, but if tantric is, why not, I say. Something mantric, is mantra-esque, at least that’s how I mean it when I use it.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Covers – 60 “Get Back” by The Beatles

Folks, here’s hoping you never get any back problems… and for that matter any front or side problems either. I am not here to kvetch. I am here to entertain and inspire with my unending production, even in the eyes if discomfort and whatnot.

So, in honor of overcoming problems, back problems or any other kind of problems, I offer “Get Back,” as in “Get back to where you once belonged,” which is without problems. I offer “Get Back” as in “Don’t Get Back… Problems…”

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Words – 60 “The World Needs You”

Folks, once or twice in your life you may find yourself faced with some sort of adversity or other unpleasant matter. This brief talk offers you words of inspiration and encouragement in the event that you find yourself in need of such things now or in the future.

And regardless of whatever you may need, the world has needs too. And what the world needs is you. It needs you and all of us to overcome, rise up, endure, flourish and to come together with the rest of the world. You can do it. I believe. We can do it. It is our destiny.

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