Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Operation 365 2... Blog 62

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Originals – 62 “Black and Blue” by Jefferson Jay

My dear friend, American hero, Dylan Avery released the trailer for his next feature film, “Black and Blue” earlier this week. “Black and Blue” takes an up-close look at police brutality and specifically recent events in Ferguson, MO and elsewhere in America. Dylan is best known professionally for his movie “Loose Change” about the hidden story behind the toppling of the Twin Towers on 9/11/01. He is best known, by me for being an awesome and courageous person.

When he started working on this project awhile back, I wrote a tongue-in-cheek theme song for his future film. I had done this with an equally upbeat earlier project of his called “Olson.” “Olson” may have even been part of the first 365. I don’t recall. Right around this same time I wrote this I thought Padres skipper Bud Black was about to get fired. He eventually did. So, there is a teensy amount about Bud Black buried deep in there too. I meant initially to write this song about Bud, but it wound up being about police brutality instead.

Even though, my “Black and blue” tune was not utilized in his motion picture, I wish Dylan great luck with his film and I wish everyone great luck not getting shot by police. I was going to say something else and I forgot. I hope I remember. Here is a link to the trailer. Enjoy.


I remember. Tonight we are celebrating the life of another courageous human who never shied away from taking on the powers of society with his artful words. We are having a memorial/fundraiser for my friend Dave Sparling, who I addressed in detail at the outset of Operation 365 2. His wife and kids will be there, I believe and we will auction off his classic beat-up old bike, among other things. Dave rhymed The News of the Week and a poem every Wednesday at my Open Mic (Winston’s Wednesday 6-9) for three years before he got sick at the end of 2014. We missed him all 2015 and hoped he would heal and return but alas, the Lord he never believed in had other plans.

So a Bud Lite cheers to you, Dave. He loved that stuff. He may have lost his prostate and its powers to cancer, but he had the biggest little balls of anyone I knew and I didn’t even realize it ‘til he was gone. I’ve heard of penile implants, but do they have an operation to give you bigger balls. Operation Giant Scrote, perhaps… We love you, Dave and it will be honor to tell stories and toast you all night.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Covers – 62 “Let Her Cry” by Hootie and the Blowfish

Are blowfish fish who blow? Does anybody know this? “Let Her Cry” was a direct request from my wife, as I began to search my brain for a cover for today. I had it handy here at my personal home work station and busted it out lickety-split. Love knows no bounds. Especially when it comes to Hootie and the Blowfish, unfortunately.

So, I did it. Justin Bieber yesterday. Hootie today. This 2nd 365 is truly making some dreams come true.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Words – 62 “Behind the Scenes”

Seconds before I started recording my wife politely informed me that I looked “slobbish.” That is where today’s video begins. Prior to tonight’s big Open Mic, we can be seen in our natural habitat. Rummaging around with guitars, preparing to perform for the world.  Hail Dave. I love this life.

I just watched this video and it’s boring. I’ll have to conjure something else verbose.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Words – 62 “Brad Shit”

Today’s replacement “Word” video is about embracing being ourselves and everything that encompasses. I believe it was “The Greatest Love of All” that said, “Learning to love yourself is The Greatest Love of All. Amen, Whitney. Someday, if we’re blessed to live long enough, we may not look as fancy as we did at our physical peak. I suggest this as a means for finding a deeper, more substantial and satisfying cause for happiness beyond how gosh-darn fancy you think you are.

I also rate myself physically on a scale of 1-10 in this vid, for those in search of additional incentive to click. Smooch!!!! Love you.

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