Friday, November 25, 2011

Operation 365... Blog 360

Initial Reflections on a Post-365 World

So I’m sitting outside with my lady and the dogs, perfectly relaxed on a sunny November Friday. Relief is the most palpable sensation I’ve felt so far. What an odd experiment. A noble, yet odd experiment. Telling a story with reality as the characters and history as they style. A little bit of everything found its way the Operation 365. It was a reflection of Life in that way.

It feels like I’ve found a reservoir of spare time. It’s new and illuminating. SO many things I can do when I’m not filming videos. I figure it was on average about an hour and a half a day. I’ll get deeper into the numbers some time this week, but that comes out to about three weeks working 24 hours a day in the last calendar year that I’ve spent 365ing.

Now Leanne sits back, rubbing her Ray-Bans in front of her third eye. “Well, I’m having a very nice afternoon,” she says while sipping a smoke. She has a plan for the rest of the days happiness, “without having to hurry at all” I can think of one thing I’ll be doing with my new free time. Leanne bought Nigel a T-shirt. It says, “The Who.”

So for 5 more days, I’ll be writing essays of reflection to sort through all of this thought that happened. To seek some conclusions, offer up some insights,and follow this experiment through. “I’m ready when you are,” Leanne informs me. We’re off to the dog park today. I wonder if we should take Nigel’s shirt off first. I will ask Leanne.

I’ll have far more to report in the days to come, but for now, I’m taking a short one. Enjoy this Friday. Enjoy life after the 365. I will. That’s the plan. I need only release and comply.



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