Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Operation 365 2... Blog 348

Well, hey there. Worked. Went home. Napped. By no means, am I trying to play down the excitement found in this 42-year old's life. Nosiree Roberto. Life is exciting and full of fun after fun after an occasional short afternoon nap. Day 348. A day that children will some day wake up dreaming of as they hope to one fay launch an Operation 365 of their own. Good luck future children. I am humbled to be your shining light. Your Joseph Smith. Your L. Ron Hubbard. Your Alf. Legend has it that's how he was viewed on his home planet of Melmac. This I can not confirm or refute. I've never been to Melmac.

I am creatively waiting for the glorious and little known Operation 365 process of "Generating Thumbnails" to conclude. It is a little ritual my 2009 iMac's version of iMovie likes to do when adding new footage. "Time remaining : about 4 minutes."  Occasionally, I lull back to those glorious few days back in New Jersey where I 365'd on Dr. Bobby Brown's far newer iMac with a far more adept and speedy incarnation version of iMovie.. Ahhhh, those were indeed the days. Where 45 minutes felt like 35 minutes and two hours was closer to an hour, thirty-three...  This is deep, inside Operation 365 stuff. I'm not sure you can follow me, but in the future, it will be old hat.

Yes, the children on newer, faster machines than people can possibly dream of now, will bust out Operation 365s for high school, college and to show themselves worthy of new jobs. No other measuring stick accurately calibrates an individuals' ability to go the distance and accomplish long streams of ongoing tasks, once deemed impossible before the first Operation 365, in 2011. Still further down the historical dials only robots will do Operation 365s. And they will do them in instants, not the archaic hours I spend, embroiled in these love-drenched chores.

Robots will do them daily as years become days and centuries, millennia. Robots will do them because there won't be any people left. We will have left this planet, returning to our original form of energy, and perhaps our original planet of Melmac. That detail remains unclear. And still further, 24 millennia from this very day, the a robot, ironically named Washington Wash will complete the greatest achievement to that point in post-human history, The Operation 365365. Hail robot. As you obsolete ancestor, merely waiting for a dinosaur to finish "Generating Thumbnails," I lift this old hat to you, Washington Wash. Hail.

I wish for you a friend, a partner, perhaps, for your 1001 years of toiling. (Thats' how long an Operation 365365 takes. I checked.) An Ernie to your Bert. An Eve to your Adam. An Ed to your Johnny. Even a Scott to your Billy Ray. 1001 years is a long time to making videos and posting them each day, even if it only takes you four seconds.

Sweet love-filled embraces to my brother, Blowski on this the day of his birth. Love you, friend. See you as energy.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay – Words – 348 “Santa and Karma”

By any fair, estimation “Santa and Karma” is an original song. It meets all the criteria in each way, shape and form. I made up the chords and the rest of the music. A neat little intro in G, followed by G A7 D7 E E7, most of the time, as much as I could play it anyway. The rest of it is a story, I wrote some time ago, I don’t even remember when. Ahh, history’s magic, computers will allow me to check. I want to. I love history, I collect facts, which is tough because they went extinct shortly after the turn of the century. Searching my computer for “Santa and Karma.” This appears to indicate I wrote this on December 19, 2005 at 6:38PM. I’m serious. Wow. I had no idea. I’m glad I checked.

So essentially, I did nothing with this story for almost 11 years. Until today. I mean I did one thing. I saved it and put it in a file, which wound up in an iPad, which I believe didn’t exist then. Then, my program friend, OSong, put it in my face, right after I played “Santa Claus Is Coming to Town” and was looking for another Christmas song to sing. God bless alphabetical order. Without it, our ABCs would be XYZs. Down would be up and an Operation 365 may be an Operation 536. Yowzee!

So I told the story, well, after a perfunctory scan to make sure it contained only things decent. It’s been 11 years. I barely remembered. It’s a nice tale after all. And most likely in some universe (Melmac, anyone?), 100% true. Facty as F---.

Anyone got an official word on how Karma (ergo Santa) calculates curse words? I’m looking for a ruling on this.  

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay – Originals - 348 “Happy New Year”

So I was getting my groove on at work this morning for the special needs folks I love so. My job is fabulous. I am blessed to be able to spend the time I do with the folks I work with. They inspire me daily. A gal asked me to play "Happy New Year," not this song. It didn't exist yet. I knew what she wanted, "We Wish You a Merry Christmas." The thing is, I had just played that moments ago, twice. I took this as a learning moment... for me. I was going to get to learn how my newest song, “Happy New Year” went. What an unpredictable delight! I will taisez the old vous so you can get about watching that and watching it all play out for yourself. Arriba!

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay – Covers – 348 “We Wish You a Merry Christmas” by Arthur Warrell

So, yes, holiday season fever is a contagion. It's not safe to leave Walmart. The potential savings are just too goods. It's not worth the risk. Am I that jaded? No. Has consumerism gone way too far that's a pock on our entire way of life. Well, it's ten times that. People love their stuff more than other people. And it's not even close. The people I work with are not like that. I love them a lot. They just love Christmas, the holiday spirit, the old way. So let's dive in. Christmas songs, Hannukah dances, bright and colorful lights, whatever it takes... I'm game. 


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