Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Operation 365 2... Blog 363

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay – Originals - 363 “Another Christmas Song”

It’s like I can’t say good-bye. I guess this is OK, ’cause I’ve got three full days left. Yesterday, I prepared the videos, more or less, for Days, 362, 363, and 364, all to leave mew more time to make the videos 365 a bit more special. Yet, for some reason, I still found myself recording videos all day at work as if I needed some. For what purpose? Habit? Perhaps I was hoping to improve on one or two of these, but at what cost. I have two jobs today, two jobs tomorrow. What time is there to continue to make extra videos like I did yesterday. What can I say? I’ve got some sort of work ethic, I suppose.

One thing, I’m afraid I’ll miss most about 365ing is hitting record and coming up with a song from scratch. Perhaps that is why I kept the camera handy today. Not nearly as much song fishing (I just conjured that term) without an Operation 365 to execute. Well, here is one of those; one last improvised Christmas song for you in the final act of Operation 365 2 and the final few days before Christmas.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay – Words – 363 “Fill That Cup”

Yesterday I did an original song called “Fill Rivers.” Here is another one, an improvised one, named “Fill,” well, “Fill That Cup” if you wanna call it by it’s full name. I think I may be addicted ‘cause I’m busy and I can’t stop thinking of ways to squeeze another video or two in as BONUS without taking too much more time. What can I say? It’s the season of giving and I don’t wanna stop.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay – Covers – 363 “Sexy Sadie” by The Beatles

I am a pretty loyal, appreciative son of a gun. In fact, that’s the context for this here video. They all become more meaningful as we approach the end of this delightful marathon. So, I haven’t gone back and checked yet, but I would venture a confident guess that The Beatles were the most covered artist in this here Operation 365 2. So, one more of there incredible jammerinos seemed fitting to fit in before the final on Friday.

My lovely wife, Leanne’s old car, a Toyota 4runner was named after this tune. I have had some car tumult this year. I had to bid adieu to my dear devoted VW van, The Tealmobile. I embraced and continue to embrace his replacement, a Toyota Sienna, affectionately named, Mohammed El-Shabazz… or Megatron, “Meg” for short.” To me a car is far more than just a car, regardless of whether it happens to be a van. Our cards keep us alive with the proper functioning. I am grateful and loyal, even to hunks of metal. Cars have soul too. We all do. I believe.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay – BONUS – 363 “Oh Chanukah” by Hirsch Kopyt

OK, it’s official. I’m addicted. Addicted to you. Yes, it appears I aim to inject entertainment into the vein of this universe with an all but reckless abandon. Yes, apparently 1100 videos is not enough. That’s why God invented to BONUS. That’s right. BONUS. More holiday hits. More fun for the family. The great World War II vet/World Series champion Yankee second baseman/Hall of Fame broadcaster Jerry Coleman exclaimed “Oh, Doctor!” on the rare occasion that a Padre ballplayer made a great play. Today, with hopes that I’ll stay silent, at least until tomorrow, I exclaim “Oh Chanukah!”

The Operation 365 2... where too much is never enough.

"We are all perfectly fine. Thank you." - Happy Bear

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