Monday, December 19, 2016

Operation 365 2... Blog 361

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay – Originals - 361 “Bigger Ponds”

Been thinking a lot and writing some neat tunes here as the Operation nears its close. Final week action here brings you this new number, "Bigger Ponds." Those following closely know I have been sharing my premonitions of big things to come real soon. Well, we songwriters, put these sorts of sensations to song and here is what it sounds like when we do. Well, when I do, in this case. 

Yes, I love San Diego. I love Ocean Beach, my little neighborhood in San Diego, but I don't think I'm going to be reaching any additional people too much by staying. So I am going to have to expand my wings and fly, at least 90 minutes north. I will be visiting The City of Angels far more frequently I imagine as I aim to get a toe into the machine... my wife just found my secret conditioner. Doh!

Yep. I guess that's about enough for today. In doing these projects, especially the songs I like, I want to get them as good as I possibly can. Alas, time does not permit such luxuries. We must accept the fact that we can get it done as well as we can get things done in the amount of time allotted to us. So, that is about hat. Cheers to my new tune "Bigger Ponds" and the subsequent stellar versions I will add to this one, the premiere, in the future of life, ideally, in some much “Bigger Ponds”

Oh, when I got this idea for this tune Saturday night, I thought, ""Bigger Ponds," well, let's see "Bigger" has B, G and E, in that order, so that's how my song should go." The point is, I guess, that there are many different ways to do stuff and sometimes, if you pay attention, these things can sort of start to do themselves. We can make things much more difficult that they actually are. Perhaps that's some advice to myself as I swim off in search of like-minded folks and the rest of the world.  There are many savory ways to butter a biscuit. You don't even need butter... or a biscuit.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay – Covers – 361 “Been Thinkin” by Blowski

Trying to prepare a little something special for the folks for the finally of the ole Operation 365 2. As you mighty've guessed, it takes a bit of effort to prepare 3 videos a day, much less three more that require an actual video shoot. At least, a couple of us have the day off to shlep to what I'll call, The Home of the Operation 365 Finale. Thanks to everyone making time in their bust schedules to allow my vision to play out roughly like I have it in my head. Yes, lots of thinkin'

Hail to my brother Blowski, settled in the Hawaiian sun. I think often of the great days and our unique and powerful bond. The times with Acoustic Booze, Blowski's band, which I was proud to serve on drums, were incredibly special. Shout-outs to my other fellow Boozers, Dylan Avery, Patricia "The Militia" Mueller, Adrianna Martin-Morningstar, and extended the family of Boozers, Nancy Truesdail, Paul Ruiz. and the one and only, Soul Man. I love "Been Thinkin'."

Cheers, Hail, and Hallelujah. Boozers 4 Life. 


Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay – Words – 361 “How a Champion Moves?”

My wife is very excited. If you've married or have ever been married then you know, that's the best of times. She is excited this moment because she just realized that not only is she going to the Championship game of our Fantasy Football League... ( I continue to hang my head in disgrace, shame and dishonor for losing to her last week in the game that got teams in to the play-offs, Season ended rough for Dick's SportingGoods. That was my team name, in honor Mariposa Ice Cream's Dick Van Ransom Magana. Hail Dick. ) ...but it will be on Christmas, we will be celebrating it with all of our friends who are in the league, her opponent who lives in upstate New York, Ali, will be there and here I present, her Championship football dance. 

Only one game left to win. Amen sounds like I'm in. Here's to bigger ponds. 

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