Sunday, December 18, 2016

Operation 365 2... Blog 360

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay – Originals - 360 “360 Degrees of Love”

It's been an exciting week and weekend. Very busy. Directed my Christmas musical "The Hunt for The Great Christmas Tree 4: One for the Ladies" on Friday.  My cast is composed entirely of special needs adults and as I've said on many occasions here, I love my job. Now it is a relief that it is done and I can focus on finishing up this project, my next CD, #7, "The Best of Operation 365," and so on and so forth.

But, not before Pearl Family Christmas, an annual ritual involving extensive celebrating and hearty wads of good cheer. That took all weekend. Great fun. Love to all my in-laws. They are a wonderful group. 

What is next , folks? I am looking forward to life's next great challenge?Reaching way more people with my message. My message is we live in a world immersed in love. Those of us who realize everybody is equally valuable and worthy of love and kindness can recast the world in a wildly more considerate and decent light. All this take everything and destroy everything stuff is not sustainable. It is long past time we like-minded folks band together and begin a discussion with the goal of finding long-term agreeable solutions for the problems on our planet. 

Many of these problems are social and and can be rectified in large part by people getting a lot more cognizant of the ideals we teach young children, love and respect. Now, that is not going to fix global warming and a million other more complicated problems but it is a huge step toward starting the discussion. That is what we most need now, some unity and a start, awareness that arguing for love doesn't make you an idiot. It makes you aware. Love is real. It is everywhere and it is our lifeblood, our greatest hope. To many crucial questions, love is the answer

If we wait for politicians or celebrities to run to our rescue and do all this for us, it will some day be too late. Love is everywhere, all around us. We simply need to recognize our surroundings. “360 Degrees of Love”

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay – Covers – 360 “I Wish/Daylight” by Chris Scelzo

“I Wish/Daylight” was on the list of covers I felt compelled to get in before this 365 ended. I learned it yesterday. I relearned it just now, correcting my errors. Who would actually ever know is a fair question? “I Wish/Daylight” was on a double-concept album by my then-prolific friend Chris Scelzo. The year was 1994. He was 21. I was hugely inspired, but this story goes back far before that I must tell you.

Years earlier, I attended a rock concert in my high school auditorium. 800 screaming students filled the sold out room an teachers and students joined together for a classic rock concert that blew my mind. The Boptones had formed years earlier and did this annually, but I was only a sophomore and my world would never be the same. One student stood out though. Far above and beyond the rest, a true rock star, ran across the stage. Shredding the epic guitar solo from Led Zeppelin's "Heartbreaker." Wearing his trademark button-down shirt and tie, Chris was 17. We'd never met. I wanted to be his friend. 

Gotta love high school, 'cause within a week, we were friends. We still are. A couple years later, I got to enjoy some memorable Boptones moments of my own and that is hardly a fraction of the tale. Many great times, far too many to recount. Hail Scelzo, an all-time great unsung musician, a Hall of Fame interesting human and a great great great great friend. 

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay – Words – 360 “An Homage to Zsa Zsa Gabor”

My lovely wife, Leanne, informed me Zsa Zsa Gabor died today. I believe she was 95. I mentioned her by name in my song "Boil Me in Oil" from my "Yellow" CD. Here I discuss my love for her and what I meant by what I said about her in that song. I think I may have mentioned here earlier in this 365. Let me check right quick. Yep. Day 297, my video was titled "Zsa Zsa Gabor." What I said. Nobody knows. well, maybe four people know. I haven't visited that video in some time. 

So, even though I can't name any of her movies, I've been aware of Zsa Zsa for almost four decades. Wishing love to all humans. We are all connected. We are all one. That's what this video is really about. Love. "Love Central." That's what I almost named this. Hail Zsa.

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