Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Operation 365... Blog 77

Operation 365 - Jefferson Jay - Archives - 83 Robin Lee 4 - "Get The Guns"- 2-19-2009

Sticking with Robin Lee vids for awhile more because A) I love her and B) Unlike many of the other artists, I have recorded, going to see Robin play is not as easy as just showing up at their gig. Here she is, playing one of her more anthemic classics, "Get The Guns." "Get The Guns" addresses just this kind of world, where civil liberties are breaking down, and people need to look out for themselves and do what makes them feel right, 'cause that is the only way to survive.

At this set, recorded at my show, on February 19, 2009, Robin was joined by Jack Davidson on lead guitar and The Soul Man on guiro. Robin Lee could always be counted on for unique homespun wisdom, healthy home-cooked food, and real deal heart and soul music, always dripping with life lessons and integrity. Hail Robin Lee, wherever she may be.

Operation 365 - Jefferson Jay - Originals - 83 "Invisible Lady"

I almost accidentally posted this as my vid for yesterday before I remembered I had a "Valentine Song." This tune seemed almost as fitting to me, as it is also romantic and disturbed. I'm not sure how much of this story I want to tell, but honestly, most of it is right there in the lyrics. I feel like sharing a little though, so here I go.

An old friend had a girlfriend for a long time. There was some sexual tension between she and I, I'm not gonna lie. But he was my buddy, so I tried to play it down and stay away from it as much as possible. Well, one night this tension came to a head and we were face to face and she was going to kiss me. It was really hard, but I left. Otherwise, I would have quickly become a really bad friend and that wasn't acceptable to me. I was stunned days later when he told me they'd gotten engaged. Things were never really the same with our friendship. I did go to their wedding though. They even had me dress up in character as part of it... Weird.

A couple years later, they got divorced. Not too shocking. I had long since stopped talking to the old friend, so that wasn't really a factor and anymore. She and I spoke a couple times, but that was about it. Then, she vanished. Hence, "Invisible Lady." Rumor has it, she moved away and is pursuing her dream. I hope she makes it big and wins herself a Tony.

Operation 365 - Jefferson Jay - Covers - 83 "It's My Prerogative" by Bobby Brown

Some folks just can't leave well-enough alone. They will try to bring you down into their cauldron and muck of unhappiness. I won't have it. I am happy and live in the present. Haters... well, they call them that for a reason. They are full of hate. Shit talkers... they're called that cause the stuff that comes out of their mouth is waste, fecal matter, poop.

It is easy to get roped in by these small time, go-nowhere types. People whose presence is so empty without you, they bring up the old days as excuse to spill more excrement from their blowholes. I will not be soiled by their doody-breath. This is my musical way of saying just that. I am happy and I have everything I need right now. Haters, try love and maybe you won't have to talk about me so much. ...or choose to remember the great times we shared. That's what I do. You can even use Operation 365 to remind you.


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