Sunday, February 27, 2011

Operation 365... Blog 88

The number 88 symbolized double infinity I decided on the 88th day of Operation 365. Well, today is the 88th blog of the 365 and I an featuring Acoustic Booze, the band I play drums for, today, because I hope to be friends with all my Boozer bandees forever. Awwwww.....

Operation 365 – Jefferson Jay – Covers – 95 "Venus" - Robbie Van Leeuwen

"Venus" was written by Robbie Van Leeuwen of the Dutch band Shocking Blue. Here, it is covered by Acoustic Booze. Acoustic Booze is my buddy Blowski's band. Other members are Dylan Avery on bass, Patricia Mueller on keyboards, Adrianna Martin-Morningstar on vocals, The Soul Man on guiro, and me, Jefferson Jay, on drums. Paul Ruiz also joins us on trumpet often but he was not here at this gig. We've been playing together a couple of years now. It's been tons of fun and we are getting better each day. We are currently in the studio working on our first CD. In fact we were there last night, recording Dylan's bass tracks.

This is from a set we did at Winston's on May, 22, 2010. The video is a little shaky as my powerful bass drum hits were rocking the whole room. We do our own thing which the jam , which is always nice. Hope you get the feel we put out there from this clip. I was just about to erase this whole performance. because of the shakiness. (I pretty much never erase anything.) I wound up deciding to share it instead. Unpredictable life.

Operation 365 – Jefferson Jay – Originals – 95 "When The Lights Went Out"

"When The Lights Went Out" was co-written by me and Blowski, by way of Adrianna Martin-Morningstar. He had asked her about helping write the lyrics top this tunes cause she's the singer and all... She tried some, but eventually asked me for help and I busted the words and melody pretty quickly. It was written about a lot of things including but not limited to the rolling blackouts in California that they had. This was our first performance of the tune, so it is not polished, but Blowski is Polish, so that will have to do for today. I can the guy barely visible on the left side of the screen in case you were wondering.

When I was in high school, my theater group did a murder mystery show called "While The Lights Were Out." I guess this is a tribute to those folks and that time in my life. All hail the Masques. Speaking of hail, Dylan and I and some of our other friends "hail" stuff often to show our appreciation for stuff... and things. This was especially prevalent last summer and the primary beneficiary of all this hailing was Schweebus, who as you all know, is the source of energy in the universe that we all admire and respect and call on us to help us in times of need. Anyway... Followers of the 365 will see me hailing folks from time to time as well here in the blog.

Well, last night we were about to start recording Dylan's bass for the upcoming Acoustic Booze CD when who decided to appear for the first time in who knows how long in San Diego? Hail. That's right. Little bit of ice falling from the sky to the ground. It never hails here. I dont; think it hails all that much anywhere actually. Well, I don't believe in randomness so to me, everything's a sign. Some signs are just more obvious than others. Hail hail and thank you for blessing our session with your presence.

"When The Lights Went Out" was performed by Acoustic Booze at Winston's on 5-22-2010.
Acoustic Booze is Blowski - guitar, vox, Adrianna Martin-Morningstar - vox, Patricia Mueller - keys, Dylan Avery - bass, The Soul Man - guiro, and Jefferson Jay - drums, and Paul Ruiz on trumpet, but Paul was not at this performance.

Operation 365 – Jefferson Jay – Archives – 95 Acoustic Booze - "Gypsy" - 5-22-2010

"Gypsy" is probably my favorite of all the Blowski Booze tunes and here it is for you today.
This was recorded at Winston's on 5-22-2010. I love "Gypsy". The sound man has some fun with effects at the beginning of the tune. Fun. This version of this song features my first (and only, to date) breaking of a drumstick, while playing. Pretty cool.

Acoustic Booze is Blowski - guitar, vox, Adrianna Martin-Morningstar - vox, Patricia Mueller - keys, Dylan Avery - bass, The Soul Man - guiro, and Jefferson Jay - drums, and Paul Ruiz on trumpet, but Paul was not at this performance. It's about how we're all gypsies.

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