Sunday, May 15, 2016

Operation 365 2... Blog 143

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay – Covers - 143 “Everybody Loves You Now” by Billy Joel

I was playing this slowed-down version of “Everybody Loves You Now” at work the other day. A colleague said it made he imagined himself listening to that going for a nice drive. I decided I’d covert it some day soon. I knew Billy Joel was coming to town here, San Diego, some time soon. I did not realize it was last night. Perhaps if I’d been all embedded in social media I’d have seen a thousand pictures but I did not.

So this morning, I learned that this all happened and I sought out his set list. I was psyched it see it full of different songs from all his album offerings. I also thought it was neat that he’s playing cool covers and bunch of different tunes at different shows. Hail you, Billy.

I hope you are truly loving life. This song, you wrote is about how much everybody loves you and how it doesn’t really translate to happiness. This is an old song so I hope you’ve found the peace that you have sought.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Words - 143 “Billy Joel SD Show Review”

I wasn’t there. That would have been cool though. No matter. I have opinions. I’ll offer ‘em anyway. They may be insightful. They may be irrelevant. I looked at the set list. I’ve seen him play before, many moons ago. I love the man. Billy Joel-love is a birthright when you were born in New York and raised in New Jersey in the 70’s and 80’s. It probably still is. Sorry I missed you Bill. Maybe one of these days I’ll sit in, or we’ll break challah together. There are no limits so, who knows?

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Originals - 143 “No Limits” by Jefferson Jay

I’m ready to dip more deeply into my last 24-at-once song chunk that I birthed some weeks ago now. I’d been waiting hesitating to get into it, because I am still trying to internalize the previous 24 songs-at-once thing. I think I’ve about done that now. I think I’ve posted a few of these before, but now I plan to share from there. XOXOXO. This one’s called “No Limits” and it’s about how we really have no “relevant floor” and no ceilings.

Thanks to George Washington Carver, Sir Walter Raleigh, Kristy McNichol for existing so I could exist them in this song. Not to say they exist merely to be in my song. More to say that if they didn’t, it would be a lot less likely. In a world with no limits though, I guess it could have happened regardless. I love you.

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