Saturday, May 28, 2016

Operation 365 2... Blog 156

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Originals – 156 “Urban Intervention” by Jefferson Jay

I was in New Jersey some months back and my visit to Paterson, New Jersey stuck with me. Paterson was one of the great cities in the U.S. during the industrialization of the country. It’s been left to rot right in the middle of affluent suburbs, gigantic malls and America’s biggest city fifteen miles away. It is shameful. When I sat down one night to write a million tunes at once. It was only 24, some of those thoughts bubbled to the surface and found their way into this song. It is racist and classist and classless for such an urban desecration to be allowed. Separate is not equal when trash fills the city streets of Paterson and only live in trash cans in nearby Glen Rock, Ridgewood and a million other rich little towns.

Someone needs to do something. It’s not OK.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Covers – 156 “American Pie” by Don McLean

I love my job. I work with amazing people who teach me tons every day. Perspective and appreciation. That’s a big part of it.  So I busted out this jam today and a whole room full of folks, many of whom struggle to speak, sang and celebrated the majesty of this American anthem. They sang and we chugged through verse after verse after verse together. I wouldn’t have it any other way. I’m very grateful.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Words – 156 “The Charger of the Opera”

Here, I play the “Charge” chant, which I’d likely have used as a cover if I hadn’t done so already five years ago.  A fiend of mine from work enjoys my music. I enjoy her take on life. She has told me many times that I should join the opera. She says all kinds of awesome things all the time. Apparently, she sings opera too. I had no idea.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - BONUS – 156 “Raquel and Justin”    

One could argue that I should be asleep right now. Two things about me. I like being a great friend and I like working hard. Occasionally, these two circles converge.

Weddings. So I’d been hard at work all day getting ready to celebrate some nuptials this weekend. I pumped out a bunch of videos, wrote some words. Somewhere in there, the process felt incomplete. It needed something. A song. An original song. Like “Tara and Steve” and “Lauren and Jeremiah” from the first 365. Like “Larissa and Wes,” which I wrote just a few months ago.

So, while playing some Palace with my friends, I imagined what it was like when they first met. I don’t know what actually happened, so I made stuff up. A song was written. And I won in Palace. I’m Ultimate Champion.

Now it’s late. Leanne, my wife, has gone to sleep. I have quiet and my work is done. What do I do? More work. I typed up the words to this tune. Then I practiced it, made this recording. Now I am importing it, editing, it, bouncing, it and writing this note. I named it “Raquel and Justin.” I will post it. Then I will go to sleep. Unless I decide to shower...

Congratulations Raquel and Justin. All this effort is because I love you and I am so happy and psyched to celebrate your love, hard-core. It is my honor. Hope you like.

After all that, I think I’ll post it next week. I’ll show them today, first. It may be more special that way. Public release is scheduled for Wednesday. Dot your tees and cross your eyes. 

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