Friday, August 19, 2016

Operation 365 2... Blog 239

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay – Covers - 239 “She’s Got a Way With Words” by Blake Shelton

Always appreciate what you have. It’s probably better than you think it is. That’s a nice way of saying it could always be worse. I prefer to look on the bright side. By have, I don’t mean stuff. Stuff is overrated. Stuff brings more headaches than happiness. By have I mean happiness, love, comfort, security, friends, shelter, food, an appreciating for things. Those are things we need to have at least somewhat to enjoy life, and ultimately, that is its purpose. Many folks are sideswiped with the need to accumulate, like we are in some sort of competition for who can have the best and most things. That’s silly. If no true joy comes with those things than those things are pointless. They become exposed for what they are, things. Love is not a thing. It’s THE thing.

Some times in life, you need to do things for people. I love helping and I love making people happy. At my job, people make requests. I try to play them if I can, whether I’ve heard the songs or not. Country music is pretty salacious these days I learned, when I dipped in to Blake Shelton’s catalog. I’ve see his face on tabloids and at Rite Aid hawking something, but I know nothing of how his songs sound. I played “She’s Got a Way With Words.” It’s a hair spicy for what I go for, but we’re all adults there and there’s nothing they couldn’t say on the 6PM news, so off we go. Not quote to Australia (where I learned Keith Urban is from) but to a room with a view where I learn a little about today’s country.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Originals - 239 “Big Girls Cry” by Jefferson Jay

So I write and direct Christmas musicals for special needs adults as part of my job. I’ve written a number of episodes with a lovable cast of snow forest characters and the folks who have brought these characters to life the last two Decembers are many miles beyond charming. Each one has a handful of songs and until recently, I had planned on filling the final months of this 365 with tunes and verbiage from these shows. Then something changed.

I wrote and wrote and wrote and kept writing. Probably about eight musicals last month. Exactly 8. For a total of 16. 16 x 5. That’s 80 tunes. More than half of what’s left of this project. Then I asked myself. That very question. What’s left? I already have given away, let’s see…. Today’s Day 239 = 365 from the last one. Calculator time.

I have already given away 604 original songs. I decided I’ll save these in case anyone ever wants to pay for anything. I’ve noticed that that “Frozen” did pretty well with magical snow characters and singing. I would love to help my special actors make some dough and show people personally, more what special needs folks are really about.

So, I’m not doing it. That said, call me if you want to produce some awesome snow musicals. I think they might work best as cartons. They are very positive and cute and lesson-y.

But, this here is an exception. Here is “Big Girls Cry,” The Magic Snowwoman’s answer to “Big Girls Don’t Cry,” which if you listen to carefully, says basically the same thing. “It’s Alright to Cry.” NFL great Rosey Grier sang that on “Free to Be You and Me.” It’s still true. I covered Blake Shelton here to start today’s 365 and this song mentions No Doubt. I think there’s a connection there. Isn’t there always? The world is full of ‘em. Shout out to my Magic Snowwoman on the inspiration and the education. I left the long cut so you could see what I mean.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Words - 239 “Reality Freak”

What does “Reality Freak” mean? What does anything mean? Who knows? Who cares? Enjoy.

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