Saturday, August 27, 2016

Operation 365 2... Blog 247

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay – Covers - 247 “The Way You Make Me Feel” by Michael Jackson

I highly doubt Michael Jackson write this song. Do you think the guy who wrote his songs but the “hee hees” in there? And the “Aowoohs?” And the “Come on, girls?” I like to think Mike added those himself.  I always liked this tune. I bought “Bad” when it came out and I liked a bunch of tunes on it. “Dirty Diana,” “The Man in the Mirror,” “Smooth Criminal,” Mike made a mean record in his day.

I have a couple of versions of “The Way You Make Me Feel,” that I played. I think I found the money one, (ha ha), but I may check on make sure. Nothing but the best (I have to offer) for my friends here in the magical, mystical land of the Operation 365. Two.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Originals – 247 “If” by Jefferson Jay

A few weeks back, I got a catchy little couplet in my head.

The sun is shiny and bright and the day is new.
I’m so happy being in love with you.

That’s a little cute for me, frankly, but I was feeling it and it was the nice start of something, I felt. So I wrote more and I went in t a few different directions. I think, subconsciously, I wanted to write a love song that looked at a lot more of life than the love itself. Life is a lot more than being in love, but if you are in love, then that can form a sort of canopy over all your life. Even your thoughts that appear unrelated are lifted up in the context of a life in love. So I wrote.

The journey, like life and love itself, led me all kinds of unexpected places. “Blurred lines,” “a bowling alley”… I just remembered I was at The Tavern + Bowl when I wrote it. I have this thing for carrying it around my notebook, especially if I go anywhere fun, so I can write if I find myself inspired. It happens. My wife and I were headed to the ballpark. She went to powder her nose. (Hilarious expression) and I wrote this.

The journey of love and life was far from over. Next thing I knew, I was an undergrad, back at UMASS, on Belchertown Road. Mike’s Billiards, The Mobil, hanging with Ryan Smith. Still present, still in the light of love, but also in Amherst again. Not only was I there, but I was with Ryan too, wherever he went all these years. Aspen? He has worked on the X Games for years in production. Love and life can be bodiless, It is truly amazing how music and thought can transport us anywhere we’re prepared to go. If?

If we’re prepared to go. That’s all. Are you prepared for love? Thanks Ryan. I don't know if you remember, but long ago, on a quiet evening in San Francisco, you taught me to sing the blues. Congrats on getting the band back together. I’d love to play a show with you some time. Peace

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Words - 247 “Outlandish Views”

Decided today would be as good a day as any to espouse some “Outlandish Views.” A similar approach seems to have taken some folks real far these days. General election, anyone? So I thought I'd dip in to some of this and see what zany opinions I could offer in hopes of having my life exploded by fame, fortune and misery some time soon. Love you. XOXOXOXOXO

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