Sunday, October 16, 2011

Operation 365... Blog 320

Operation 365 - Jefferson Jay - Archives - 326 Backstage at The Belly Up with The Jefferson Jay Band - 8-19-2009

Here we are with The Jefferson Jay Band chilling back stage at The Belly Up Tavern in Solana Beach before our show on August 19, 2009. Yesterday, Prince Harry, descendant of the seemingly immortal Queen Elizabeth, was there kicking it for Vokab Kompany and Karl Denson. One of the main guys in Vokab subs at the same school I do, or so they tell me.

So normally, I wouldn't share a video like this. There is nothing fancy to it. It is almost personal. But after showing a musical clip fro one of my shows pretty much every day, it feels good to shake it up and share something that I probably wouldn't otherwise. There is one shot in here I really like of The Soul Man standing int he doorway bathed in white light. That might make a good T-shirt.

Artists appearing include, (in no particular order): Blowski, Jose Maldonado, Richard Romero, Jeff Dewine, Jack Davidson, Justin Werner, Apaulo 8, Misha Borisovsky, me and The Soul Man. Special thanks to playing the pretty part of "Stairway to Heaven" as our band made it's way to the stage.

Operation 365 - Jefferson Jay - Covers - 326 "Fraggle Rock Theme" by Phillip Balsam & Dennis Lee

I loved "Fraggle Rock" when I was a kid, It's another of the many music/hippie influences that led me on the path my has gone. have a book I wrote about the the hippies handling by the mass media in 1967 had a huge impact on the movement and how they are viewed to this day. It sits in a file on my computer. It is not a book, I guess, but could be pretty easily. It needs editing. I have a million things like that.

I have a solution for the players to the NBA strike. I have a line of musical instruments that I've invented the likes of which the world has never seen. They are designed to be affordable and bring everybody the ability to make beautiful music. I've said too much already... There are many other things like this. I have a catering business that can't fail, a movie based on my first album "Great Story," a comedy screenplay about steroids in baseball, a lot of other business ideas that don't really fit anywhere on my board in the board game of life. I'm just putting it out there. Maybe someone will see this and hit me up and see that some of this gets done. It can happen. It just requires some capital.

These must be the kinds of things you think when you watched "Fraggle Rock" a lot as a child. At least they are for me.

Operation 365 - Jefferson Jay - Originals - 326 "Olson"

So last night my buddy Dylan Avery, visited from L.A. with his adorable pooch Gordo. Gordo and I were featured in last week's San Diego Reader. See here.

We were catching up. Boy, does he have an interesting life. I dont; even know where to begin. I'll skip the whole part about Alec Baldwin and get right to his new short film "Olson." "Olson" is a story about a happy-go-lucky working stiff who weaves his way through a maze of crazy character and wacky adventures... or something like that. I watched it. I got it.... and thens something happened. This song popped into my head. It was a theme song, of sorts, an anti-theme song of others and the whole thing came out like a C-section delivery. I wasn't sure if he would like it. My "Olson" would-be theme is not in EXACTLY the same mood as Dylan's fiery flick. He approved. It's ironic like rain on your wedding day... or something like that. Maybe it's juxtaposition. I use that would correctly about 16% of the time.

I fired up the 'ol iMovie and I recorded. I was still figuring out the fine-tunings of it all, so I tried it a couple times and I share two here. The first is short and sweet, appropriate for a fun, little film, like this one. The second is longer and features commentary from director Dylan Avery. It is not commentary pertaining to the song or the movie, per se. He is having a phone conversation about the Occupy San Diego and other stuff, in the background. Then he sings along a little. It is festive. He later left my house, went to the Occupy San Diego, got physically ill, and is said to be slowly recovering. We wish a speedy recovery and backup vocalist and direct inspirer of this song, American hero/major sweetie, Dylan Avery.

Oh, in entirely unrelated news... The folks at "The Scott and BR Show" on xx1090AM, "San Diego's (self-appointed) sports leader", created a video tribute page my songs that were inspired by their pretending to want to have me on their. Thanks guys for the love. See you when I see you.

Thank you for playing the Operation 365.

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