Monday, December 20, 2010

Operation 365... Blog 21

Operation 365 - Jefferson Jay - Archives - 26 Don Truesdail - 12-6-2008 1 - "Motherless Child"

Operation 365 continues to celebrate the life of Don Truesdail with its "12 Days of Truesdail." For the rest of the week, we will be doing so by presenting Don's set from Jefferson Jay's 12 Hours of Free Music on December 6, 2008, one song at a time. Don kicked off the show that day. It was our buddy Blowski's birthday, another terrific day in the delight that was 2008 for our circle here in Ocean Beach, San Diego, California. Here, Don opens his set with "Motherless Child" after wishing Blowski a happy birthday with his adaptation of the traditional song, "Motherless Child."

For more information on Don and his music, please visit

NOTE: Still wondering what youtube hopes to accomplishing by suggesting I keep adding "christianity" to the tags on these vids. I keep doing it, just cause I figure, that "it's their website and they know how it works better then I do. Maybe it'll get me more hits," but for some reason I think there's something else to it. ?????

Operation 365 - Jefferson Jay (with Barbara Tolbert) - Originals - 26 "The Greens of Mind"

Initially, I thought Barbara had indicated to me she didn't want me to use these tracks, but after I posted "What's Lost in The Words That We Don't Say"...
found here

...she let me know that she liked it, so what the hey, here's more of Barbara and I practicing for an upcoming gig we had with our side project The Greens of Mind, named after this song long before Operation 365 was even hatched as an idea. Barbara's main gig is a group called "Charbra" with fellow Green Charlotte James. They are swell and you should check them out. I will posting some of their jams as Operation 365 progresses. I like this tune a lot. Wrote it with Justin Mills at the outset of The Greens of Mind project which began in 2008 and still continues in spirit and then some today.

This song is about how the world is changing and how people need to take personal responsibility to make the changes in their own lives that they wish to see in the world around them. The first line is "time is ramping like a bouncing ball," as in things are speeding up. On this version I sing your mind is ramping like a bouncing ball"... You get the idea.

Operation 365 - Jefferson Jay - Covers - 26 "How Deep Is Your Love" by The Bee Gees

I think "How Deep Is Your Love" is one of the most beautiful songs ever. Nice work Bee Gees! I played a bunch of times, something I don't always do for 365, but this tune is so sweet I had to get it a good one. I noticed I've been cropping my head off in a lot of these videos and I think I just learned how not to do that. Hallelujah! It's raining here today. Maybe that's why I picked this song. I think of The Bee Gees and The Beach Boys as musically related somehow so I will let the latter answer, "God Only Knows."

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