Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Operation 365... Blog 23

Operation 365 - Jefferson Jay - Archives - 28 Don Truesdail - 12-6-2008 3 - "The Bastards"

Here is Donnie again, live from 12 Hours of Free Music, 12-6-2008. This is the third tune of his set. I posted this a few days ago with some guests here
This is a version more like the versions of this tune we, his friends, got used to hearing back in the day.
"The Bastards" is an epic tune. To Don, each word mattered. He viewed music and songwriting as a craft and took great pains to make sure he made his point as explicitly and poetically as he could. Cheers to Don. May the "12 Days of Truesdail" roll on!

Operation 365 - Jefferson Jay - Covers - 28 "Frosty the Snowman" - popularized by Gene Autry

I always feel the need to know who wrote these tunes I cover. I didn't feel like typing this all up so here is what I learned from wikipedia when I googled it to find out who wrote F"rosty the Snowman".

["Frosty the Snowman" is a popular song written by Walter "Jack" Rollins and Steve Nelson, and first recorded by Gene Autry and the Cass County Boys in 1950. It was written after the success of Autry's recording of "Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer" the previous year; Rollins and Nelson shipped the new song to Autry, who recorded "Frosty" in search of another seasonal hit. Like "Rudolph", "Frosty" was subsequently adapted to other media including a popular television special. The song was originally titled "Frosty the Snow Man".]

Thank you wikipedia.

I was going to fix my little stutter step in the middle of this jamboree but left it in favor of "keeping it real" at the suggestion of my good friend/trumpeting superstar Paul Ruiz, who appears here on percussion and Lady Gaga tease at the start of the clip. You know, there really MUST have been some magic in that old silk hat they found, I've been thinking...

Thank you Tom Waits for popularizing singing in that funny voice.

Operation 365 - Jefferson Jay - Originals - 28 "Boil Me in Oil"

The ultimate love song to a car. Wishing my dear pals Dylan Avery (on his mission across the country) and Nancy Truesdail (on her travels around Oneonta ironically) much love and safety on their travel. I echo those sentiments to everybody travelling around in places cold or otherwise. Also, sending out my love to my sweet sweet Monte Carlo, Mona, the subject of this love song. She escorted me out to California. I drove her for fifteen years. I had to sell her last year cause she kept getting towed for being old and noticeable... and that's what happened sadly. I hope she's well and think of her and all who've been loyal and loving to me all this time at this time of year. Peace and love to everybody everywhere always.

CONSUMERISM NOTE: "Boil Me in Oil" is available on Jefferson Jay's album "Yellow" at

Now, youtube is suggesting "haircut" as tag for a lot of my videos... and "dental". What are they trying to say? Well, at least they're paying attention. I appreciate their suggestions and will take it under advisement. Oh, Frosty!

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