Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Operation 365... Blog 232

Operation 365 - Jefferson Jay - Archives - 238 Richard Romero 2-12-2009

For those of you who haven't noticed, I've been digging returning to the earlier part of 2009 in my little wayback machine here on the 365. It was a very emotional time around here and it's hard to remember that some inspiring and uplifting things actually happened. So I am am reliving them a little through the glory of the 365. So I went with the first thing that I pulled up and this is what it was...

Richard Romero is a great guy. He plays bass in my band these days and he started off my programs at the old Portugalia on Tuesdays and Thursdays for quite some time. Here he is, leading us through one of his tunes on February 12, 2009. He is joined by Maciek on flute, myself, Jefferson Jay on guitar, Paul Lopez on percussion, and The Soul Man on guiro.

I just remembered its Richard's birthday today. Happy birthday Richard. Thanks so much for everything you do. Looking forward to enjoying a beer with you later. Peace. Randomness is an illusion.

Operation 365 - Jefferson Jay - Covers - 238 "Come Dancing" by The Kinks

I learned a lot today while trying to record "Come Dancing."

1. It's really annoying when the microphone is accidentally off for your first several takes. It wipes a little luster from the glow, if you know what I'm saying.

2. I'm not sure sitting down singing day after day is real good for the voice. My voice felt all strong the first several takes, and then got tired once the mic was actually on. Might have to try to do something about that.

3. I like this song, "Come Dancing," and it's very difficult not to sing it with a British accent. I tried.

4. No matter how annoying it can be when your dog barks in the middle of one of your good takes, it is not worth to slam your guitar down in frustration. Only bad things can come of it.

I probably learned more, but it's time to move on now. I've been at this "Come Dancing" thing for over an hour now.

Hail Chris Scelzo, aka Chris Rex, one of my musical mentors and the man who turned me on to The Kinks so many years ago. He didn't turn me on to "Come Dancing" though. That credit goes to the radio and my beloved K-Tel tape, "Dancing Madness." Hail 1983, or whenever it was.

Operation 365 - Jefferson Jay - Originals - 238 "I Like Sunshine"

I hit play and began writing and recording "I Like Sunshine." Of course, I had no idea what I would say or what it would be called at that point, but it just came out. There were a few false starts, not too many. I thought they were funny so I included them all at the end, the whole songwriting process in fact, for anyone who might be interested in laughing. Durable viewers will get access to my rarely witnessed "songwriting twitch." My "songwriting twitch" is not limited only to when I'm songwriting, although it appears there often. It is actually on the scene frequently when things are going as I wish they were. So there is a bit of twitching and funny-facery afoot in the aftermath of my new song.

Who doesn't like sunshine? I was about to cast aspersion on those folks who don't like sunshine. Call them a name. Richard, perhaps, but no. I have become privy to the ignorance of my premature judgment. People with melanoma for instance, may be bitter toward the sun. Albinos... I don't know. I'm just saying. I, personally, like sunshine. Thank you.

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