Sunday, August 14, 2011

Operation 365... Blog 257

Operation 365 - Jefferson Jay - Archives - 263 Jefferson Jay & Friends "Do You Feel Free?" 12-5-2009

I was talking to my friend Frank the other day. We go back a long ways. He had been watching some of my videos and he noted that I looked especially happy on the float in the Christmas Parade video he saw, from December 5, 2009. That made me want to revisit that day and this is what I found. More fun. Here we are, rocking out some on the Arc of Clark, made possible in large part by my man, Tim Clark and the good work of Blowski.

Also appearing here on the newly dubbed, Float of Fun, are Wes Davis, Charlotte James on djembe, Barbara Tolbert, and Adrianna Martin-Morningstar. "The General" Justin Mills, piloted said Arc. Here I am blasting out "Do You Feel Free?" A number from my "Red" CD. Tracks from this record can be heard here, or by clicking on the "Red" album cover on the upper right.

The sound is kind of rough, because the speakers are pointed out at the parade enthusiasts and the camera is placed on our makeshift stage. Please forgive our technical malfeasance. It always amazes me when I words I didn't even know I knew, like "malfeasance," come out of me, and then I check and found out I used them right. Marvelous life, ain't it?

Operation 365 - Jefferson Jay - Covers - 263 "Clap Hands" by Tom Waits

So, yesterday I was busting out my death metal, acoustic cover, the "Mark Mack," or "Miss Mary Mack," or whatever you want to call it. It's that song that little girls would clap hands to, ala, "Pat-A-Cake." After I played that, this beloved Tom Waits track, Clap Hands," popped into my head and the rest quickly became history. I've had of fun playing Tom Waits songs here in the 365. They are usually not that hard. They lend themselves nicely to reinterpretation and they don't seem to have too many chords. At least the ones I've done so far.

Everything's connected, whether it's a couple tunes on the 365 or something more far-reaching. Nothing is irrelevant. Everything matters. How? Why? These days, I'm inclined to go with the answer, "Because."

Operation 365 - Jefferson Jay - Originals - 263 "Step Back To The Other Side"

"Step Back To The Other Side" is a tune, my friend Spencer Katzman and I wrote in 1997 for a project we were in at the time, called Elin Tea. Tea is pronounced Tay-Uh. This song is about finding a meaningful way to make a living in the world and maintaining perspective about these things at the same time. Seems very much like I am still pursuing the same truths that I was then. I don't know if my consistency should be re-affirming or if my inability to have moved on to new challenges by now is an indictment of my approach. I will choose to not go with the latter. It is too depressing. Hopefully, I will reach some folks with my positive message when the time is right. I really hope that is soon, because the being poor part of idealistic artistry is getting pretty old. Not to complain. I am very aware that I am blessed and very appreciative, as well.

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