Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Operation 365... Blog 266

Operation 365 - Jefferson Jay - Originals - 272 "Shake Like an Earthquake"

Today's selections were inspired by the earthquake that just went down on the East Coast. Here's hoping everybody's OK. My good amigo, Dylan Avery, hit me up on the facebook chat and said,
"is there a song about earthquakes you can do for 365 today?"
I replied, "i think i can." He added. 11:52Am "OH
you could cover Wipeout

I snapped into action immediately. Five minutes later precisely, I wrote, "both are done how long did that take?"

At 11:57am, he wrote, "... pretty quickly."

Anyone need to hire someone who can get topical content done real quick? Here I am. Sign me.

I would now like to be the first to pat myself on the back for writing the first tune ever written about the "Great East Coast Earthquake of 2011." Someone had to do it. That someone is me. You're welcome.

Operation 365 - Jefferson Jay - Covers - 272 "Wipe Out" by Bob Berryhill and 3 other dudes

"Wipe Out" is a classic jam by these guys? Bob Berryhill, Pat Connolly, Jim Fuller and Ron Wilson. Heard of 'em? Me neither. Today, I played it at the suggestion of director amigo Dylan Avery as a salute to all the east coasters out there who had to deal with an earthquake this afternoon. Now you see how the other half lives? Something something glass onion. Thank you.

Operation 365 - Jefferson Jay - Archives - 272 Justin Mills "Destruction Device" 12-11-2008

Justin Mills' "Destruction Device" has been a 365 priority for some time now. I love the living poop out of this song. It is unmitigated genius. Simply. "Destruction Device" is about a guy who builds a device to destroy the world. Who knows if something like this even exists? If it did, it would probably control the weather and build things like earthquakes, hurricanes and tornadoes. See HAARP, or don't see HAARP, depending how freaked out you feel like being.

I read some story a couple days ago about how they can out beeps in your head now and torture you with microwaves and frequencies if they want. All I know is the next day I woke up at 3:330 AM with a ringing in my head and a big chunk of my hearing missing. I wish I never read the article. Google at your own risk. Don't say I didn't warn ya.

Here the great "General" Justin Mills is joined by me on my cute little Ashbory bass and Wes Davis, freshly back from Tahiti at the time, on tambourine. "Destruction Device" rules. Justin Mills rules. 2008 ruled and Portugalia even ruled in 2008. Enjoy the mastery of "Destruction Device."

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