Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Operation 365... Blog 259

Operation 365 - Jefferson Jay - Archives - 265 Jefferson Jay "Molasses Man" 1-19-2010

Today is a HUGE day in the Operation 365. Day 265. 100 days left. The countdown is on. I had an epiphany earlier today that I am writing my life story here in the blog portion of this extensive exercises. Of course, it is not comprehensive, nor should any bio be. Too much detail. I do feel like this narrative does create a context for who I am, who my friends are and why this all should matter at all to anyone. Who knows? 100 days left to discover what this is all about.

For a number of reasons, this clip seemed fitting for me today. I will list some. "Molasses Man" is from my first CD, "Great Story," It is a song about a hero in the fine art of procrastination. He does stuff. It just takes awhile. Operation 365 is like that, There is a lot to do and it takes a year to do it. Another reason is, this was recorded starting off my Open Mic on January 19, 2010. Without my Open Mics, over the years, who knows if I would be doing this right now. I certainly can;t imagine there'd be an Archives component to it, if there was. Even though the Archive factor, enables me to include lots of friends and open this whole thing up a bit, the fact remains, that I did all the work to record all this stuf, plan these show, archive this footage, and then cut it up to share with you. I'm not meaning to brag or state the obvious, although this may come off as both, I'm mainly saying, this song is a tribute to my stick-to-itiveness, in a manner simlar to us getting to this point in the first place.

Finally, at the end I attached a bit form the song I played before "Molasses Man," Justin Mills' "All My Life." "All My Life" was hands down the number one song form all our friends at my Open Mic at Portugalia and the quote I borrowed from it for this video applies nicely to this moment in 365 time.

"Now my search is over. And I got time to sit and lose my mind.
I swear I'll lose my mind if I don't keep myself self-occupied.
All my life. All my life. All my life."

I can't think of too many ways better to keep one's self, self-occupied than doing an Operation 365. It's also an incentive to not lose your mind, being so out in the public and all. It's a sorta circular statement, that last phrase from Justin's hit. It's a sorta circular life, especially when you do the same thing each day. Happy Operation 365, everybody.

Operation 365 - Jefferson Jay - Covers - 265 "100 Bottles of Beer on the Wall"

So I was trying to find a song with the word "100" in it in honor of there only being 100 days left in this here 365 and you'll never guess where that led me. Obviously I have a little thing for pushing things far, arguably too far. It took me a long time to figure out what the song "96 Tears" was and even after I did... that's only 96. I dabbled with Nena's "99 Luftbaloons," but... 99. I found this page on the interweb called, "Songs with numbers in their titles." You can see it here. http://www.allenpagina.com/stuart/lyrics/stnum.htm That led me to "100 Bottles of Beer on the Wall." I also messed with "The Final Countdown." That song is hilarious.

Speaking of hilarious... or something. I sang "100 Bottles of Beer on the Wall." All 100. Why? Why am I doing an Operation 365 in the first place? I don;t know. Because I could? Because most people wouldn't? Neither? Both? Maybe all of these. Either way. I think I'll post it double time, although it's fast as.. (for some reason, I try not to curse in my blog. Another mystery.) Yeah, it's fast, but no one;s getting through 9 minutes and thirty seconds of "100 Bottles of Beer on the Wall." So let's shorten that to less than 5 and go for a drunken ride. Going down the mountain's faster and easier... unless you got bad knees..

NOTE: Wait a minute. The song is "99 Bottles of Beer on The Wall." allenpagina.com lied... and I fell for it. FAhhhhhhhhhkkkkkkkk... Never trust the internet. Ever. Well, my version is "100 Bottles of Beer on the Wall." Bastards...

If you speed it up, you can't hear what I'm saying... Dilemma... I found a happy medium. I sped it up to 150% instead of 200%. Thank you for playing the Operation 365.

Operation 365 - Jefferson Jay - Originals - 265 "Might Take More Than Gold"

I like this tune for red-letter day 265 of this Operation. Here's why. One, it's a collaboration. My start in music was collaborating with my pal Scotty Baslaw. Writing tunes with Steve is a lot like writing with Scott and that is saying a lot. Steve and I just started writing tune recently, but we are good pals and I have been digging the tunes muchly. Who knows were this will lead. I'm just saying collaboration and friendship are at the heart of who I am creatively and personally and it is nice to share that space with y'all. In fact, I think that's a huge reason I've done all this.

That, and obviously expressing myself. I'm the kind of person who needs to perform. When there is no stage, some other avenues must be uncovered. Voila. I write. I studied history and I like to share my story. I recently finished my 106th composition notebook full of verbiage, and I've written a bunch of other stuff not in those books. Sometimes, I write songs. Other times, thoughts, feelings, opinions, ideas, and beliefs fill my pages. Sometimes you get the chance to share ideas when they are new and I find that to be exciting. The lyrics for "Might Take More Than Gold" were written recently on the penultimate page of my last book with a magenta marker. Yo never know what is going to happen. I believe that was the point. It is what you do and who you are that matters most. Not how much money you have, not what you say you want to do. It's what you do do. I said "do do." Hee hee hee...


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