Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Operation 365... Blog 273

Operation 365 - Jefferson Jay - Archives - 279 Don Truesdail "Big City" 8-13-08

Ola amigos. Procrastinating writing on the blog today. Just had to pen a press release for the 365. I love to gab, but my favorite topic has never been, why everybody should think what I'm doing is interesting and awesome. That being said, there is no better reason to celebrate the 365, than the work of Don Truesdail.

When I was recording all this material in 2008, I had no idea that it would stand as the bulk of the work Don left behind. Video shot at my shows accounts for the huge majority of footage of Don performing that exists. I am humbled by this reality and truly honored to be able to share it here with you. I recorded a lot of audio as well. Don's wife, Nancy and I, will be releasing some of that as a "Don Truesdail - Live" CD at some point in the future.

It always seemed inadequate to me to just throw videos up with no context the hope that people would somehow find them. Nothing happens in a vacuum. Our whole "scene" came together in '07, and grew in '08. Our group of artist friends nurtured and inspired one another, and I am thrilled the 365 provides a wide enough canvas to illustrate why this content means so much to so many.

This was filmed at Joe and Jen Stevens wedding reception on August 13, 2008, an unforgettable day. Here, Don plays his adaptation of Merle Haggard's "Big City." Don is joined by Clifford M. Jomuad on percussion. I always loved Don's version of this one. When I sat down to play music with my girlfriend Leanne's dad, Tom, for the first time, this first song he played was "Big City." That was one of many signs I've received from the universe since Don passed. I miss Don's company, but in many ways, I feel closer to him than ever now. I love you Don and if you love Don, I love you too. Enjoy.

Operation 365 - Jefferson Jay - Covers - 279 "Running To Stand Still" by U2

Today is my pal, Patricia "The Militia" Mueller's birthday. We were bandmates for awhile in the Booze and have had many fun times partying and making music together. Last summer, we would jam out on "Running To Stand Still" from time to time, so I figured I'd post here for her on her birthday.

I was sort of naked when I filmed this clip. What can I say, I like to hang out naked from time to time. It seems as natural as anything, to me. I didn't think you should have to see that though, so I turned myself all sorts of crazy colors. It gives this clip a psychedelic feel in addition obscuring my nudity. I am not an exhibitionist, although I am not uptight either. I have no great need to be seen by anybody undressed at all. No private parts were revealed in the filming of "Running To Stand Still." Happy Birthday Patricia. I can hear your voice now, admonishing me, for my inappropriate behavior. See you at the Sunshine Company in an hour.

Operation 365 - Jefferson Jay - Originals - 279 A Song For Eli (The Smartest Boy in the World)

So I ran into my friend Teagen McClain at The People's Market a couple weeks ago. Teagen is an awesome person and it is always great to catch up with her and her mom, Rose. Friday, Teagen sent me this email.

Hi Jefferson,

It was cool running into you at Peoples the other day. Your girlfriend is really nice! I have a favor to ask you that I think you may be up for. Recording a Youtube song for a little boy with Cancer. My dearest friend Gillian in Oregon (friends since teen years) has 2 sons, Sean and Eli. Eli recently started Chemo. I'll add a link that says more. Gillian's Online Russian teacher made a little video about it. You can enter to win a Russian 'Kiss Me' T shirt! Eli is Vegan and loves to play with fake food and pretend he's a cook. He's a cool little guy.


I replied,

Sure. You got it. Great seeing you and your mom too. Hope to see you both more soon.

You can also click here to learn more about Eli and the challenges he's facing.


So here it is. Eli, you're the man, and by "man," I mean "boy." I have great confidence you will emerge from this, smarter and stronger and cooler than you can even imagine. Believe this and it will be so.

Eli, if I can ever be of any assistance to you, any way, any how, please hit me up and we'll make it happen. Peace

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