Monday, March 21, 2016

Operation 365 2... Blog 88

Operation 365 2 – Jefferson Jay – Words – 88 “Context Is Everything” 

Happy Day 88 on the Operation 365 2. I love number 88. Double Infinite. Michael Irvin. It's one of my most beloved numbers. 

What a wonderful time it was yesterday at Spencer and Josie's wedding. It was fantastic to catch up with high school comrades, Eugene, Matt. It was a blast talking some with Yaniv and Ken and other familiar faces that I hadn't seen in eons. Amazing fun. Mazel Tov to Spence, Josie and their fabulous families, whom I also had missed very much. I could hardly contain my enthusiasm for everyone involved. Woo hoo!

I had so much fun I may have even been a teensy tad hung over this AM. Yep. So I conjured a cute little rap about my faded status, "Slightly Hung," I was going to call it. That was all well and good until I recorded it and understood the implications. So instead, I rant on context and its importance, while I deliberate in back of my ind whether I should add the cute rap to the video's end.

Operation 365 2 – Jefferson Jay – Covers – 88 “Lengthwise"

In line with my lethargy, I conjured  this a cappella cut of Phish's song from "Rift," "Lengthwise." Pretty deep and masterful rendition, if I say so myself. I'd be shocked if this isn't the one that gets a million hits. Big time. For authenticity's sake, this "Lengthwise is performed, who laying in bed, by myself, diagonally.

Operation 365 2 – Jefferson Jay – Originals – 88 "Fade" by Jefferson Jay

So I talked at some length here about my 12-songs-at-once burst from a few weeks back. Far be it for me to not try to push things further, so about a week later and about two weeks ago now, I tried to write 24 songs at once in one hour. I was somewhat successful. I finished the music for the 24 tunes in an hour and the lyrics for 12 of them or so. Then, I got too tired to write on, so I crashed. 

A couple days later, I sat down to write the rest of jams, and "Fade" is the first one that came out. "Fade" has separated itself as the early leader of the pack. I quite like this tune. It reminds of of some Justin Mills, a little Johnny Cash and a little bit of Dire Straits.

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