Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Operation 365 2... Blog 285

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Words – 285 “Whoa, Capo”

Today I marvel at the mechanism known as the capo. Whoa. These devices do amazing things. They can literally take you higher and you don't have to ingest a thing. Superman wore a cape. Don't get me wrong. Capes are great. I've worn more than a few in my time. But capos... It was the great Governor Jesse "The Body' Ventura who said, in a colorful feather boa, if I'm not mistaken, "Win if you can, lose if you must, but always cheat. Are capos cheating? I say no, but I'll let you decide.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Originals– 285 “Something For Me”

I just remembered I wrote a song called "Something to Me" with Scott Baslaw for the Demarests' record "Embargo" in 2000. I would have come up with a different name for this one had I recalled that a short time sooner. Oh well. 'Twas a fun little on I made up early this morning. I don't know exactly what I sang about, but I remember spiders and their webs were in there somehow. Hot and tired today. Needing a l'il rest. Still feeling very fortunate, humble and blessed.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Covers – 285 “Isn't Life Strange” by The Moody Blues

No doubt. My mom loved The Moody Blues, so I was exposed to their tunes a lot as a youth. The soft soothing sound of Justin Heyward's voice is pretty great. I loved "For My Lady." I bet they have tons of awesome songs I don't even know. Maybe someday. “Isn't Life Strange”  was always one of those ones I thought was weird. "Strange" was a word I didn't really get as a kid. I didn't know how bad a word it was so tunes like this one and "People Are Strange" were even more ooky than their already ooky music made them.

Years later, today, “Isn't Life Strange” pops in my head. I sang it a capella for a minute, but then I looked it up and decided to go all the way. So here it is and I was really feeling it.

Life, well, I don't think it could get much stranger than that. Donald Frikkin' Trump. Then again, there is still so much unknown. To marvel is magic. Bring on the strange!

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