Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Operation 365 2... Blog 306

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Covers – 306 “The Fox (What Does the Fox Say)” by Ylvis

“The Fox (What Does the Fox Say)” is a song I would likely have never done for this here 365, if one of the special needs gals at my work wasn’t so into it. Maybe if it were a few years ago… She literally wears this cute little paper fox hat she made every day. So eventually, it would have downright non-sporty of me, to not give the tune a go for her, so I did. Here, using movie magic, I even made this version here interesting. Hooray interesting!   

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Originals– 306 “Outside”

This here latest "Originals" is a tribute to one of my all-time favorite places, "Outside." Yes, inside is great. No offense to inside. In fact, I just realized I already have a song called "Inside." How neat. I think it may be the first time I have two songs whose names are opposites. The "Inside" song is about managing in prison, so it's not a perfect opposite, but and "in" and out," well, they're just plain different unless you're talking California's popular and ubiquitous burger chain, in which case, like the rest of us, they're all one.

No, this song salutes the first place Adam and Eve hung out. The place where they got in all that trouble with the snake, "Outside." I dig outside. The air tends to be freshest there. That's where I go see most sports games. Bed isn't there, but most other awesome things are. Sun, trees, ocean, mountains, I could go on and on. Now, I don't wish to be hearing from any hermitish, homebody naysayers mentioning all kinds of natural disasters, tsunamis, tornados and the like. Volcanos, earthquakes, hurricanes... quicksand!!! They exist. They're petrifying. 

 Let's move on. Outside rocks and if you don't think so, you likely best be getting out there more. Dogs love it. Case closed. 

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Words – 306 “Sports Radio Practice”

Folks, you just never know what opportunities will arise in this incredible little thing we call life. I for one, have no idea what will happen ever, therefore, all you can do is be prepared in the event that events occur. So I gotta stay sharp. I have been volleying some ideas in my brain and now I'm taking it one step further by putting literally putting some of these ideas into practice. I hope to "make perfect" some day and I think we all know quite well that practice is the only way to approach that destination. 

So that's it. Here's a few thoughts, recorded on a Monday about the weekend int eh NFL, my fantasy football showdown with my wife and whatever other words escaped my list during these few moments of practice for whatever opportunities await.

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