Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Operation 365 2... Blog 292

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Originals– 292 “Running”

Gosh. Life ain’t getting any easier. Gotta be grateful it hasn’t been harder or worse and hope the hardest part’s behind us. Youch. I wish I could tell you everything, but how deeply sidetracked do I really wish to get? Less than this far, I assure. You. I am here to uplift and not depress, but at the same time, one must keep it real, especially in an endeavor of this nature.

Some years back, I collaborated with a choreographer and young girl on an adaptation of “Little Red Riding Hood.” It was a two-woman show I believe, a fun project. I think I shared one of the tunes from it previously here in the 365 2. “Just Friends” I believe it was called. That song was from when the Wolf and The girl decide it’s easier just to be friends than to fight all the time. This song, “Running” was from one of the many pursuit/chase scenes as the Wolf is on the scent of Little Red. Symbolism, anyone? Double meaning? I need a rest.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Covers – 292 “Take This Bottle” by Faith No More

I had fun playing Faith No More’s “Take This Bottle.’ I sort of half remember messing up once or twice, but with the shenanigans I’ve been managing these last few days, I am going to have to go with it just like the van I bought, as is. At least you were notified before you bought it.

Ahhh, to all the fun time 199-1995 in and around UMASS-Amherst with all my delightful angst-filed friends and the perfect soundtrack to serenade us through out. Off the great album “King for a Day, Fool for a Lifetime.” To this day, I continue to gain greater of understanding of what that title means. Thanks for your support.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Words – 292 “You Gave Me a Tape?”

Gotta love unexpected generosity. Now what to do with this terrific cassette tape? Crank it up? First world problems. Thanks.

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