Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Operation 365... Blog 280

Operation 365 - Jefferson Jay - Archives - 286 Robin Lee "Good Guys" 4-16-09

I love Robin Lee. Have I mentioned that before on the 365? Oh yes. I think I'm going to go on a Robin sharing binge here. Got to focus on the priorities as the 365 begins to work towards a close and Robin is definitely one of them. Everybody should have the opportunity to enjoy here awesome tunes, and I am going to do everything I can here to make it so. I think I will begin by sharing her whole set with Jack Davidson from my birthday/"Blue" CD release party on April 16, 2009. That is also the birthday of one Miss Ashley McCormick, soon to be Mrs. Ashly Jones, to whom, today;s next tune is dedicated.

"Good Guys" is one of Robin's coolest and most beloved poppy jams. It is kick ass and the sentiments are genial. Robin, I miss you big time. You are a treasure to this country and this world, whether they have any clue of that or not. It is what happens that matters, not what people think about what happens and you are unequivocally kick-ass. More from Robin coming soon, like tomorrow. Robin nicknamed me a couple of things, Doctor Jay, for one. I always got a kick out of that one. The Glitterrabbi, for another. The most glitterrabbi-ish thing I've ever done, Robin doesn't even know about and it is detailed in the story just below, in this here blog. If you are reading this on youtube and want to know more, go to jeffersonjay.blogspot.com and click on Operation 365... Blog 280 for the whole gory story.

Operation 365 - Jefferson Jay - Covers - 286 "Ballad of a Thin Man" by Bob Dylan

"Copyright music and lyrics reproduced by kind permission of Special Rider -- for original, exclusive performances by Bob Dylan, check-out the official channel at www.youtube.com/bobdylan."

Lots to say about this song, I have. Where to begin. Well, the reason I called on this number today, is because a friend of mine is about to become Mrs. Jones. She will be marrying Mr. Jones in a week or two. Her name is Ashley McCormick and she is part of the Ridgecrest contingent that includes, Leanne Josh, and Adrianna Martin-Morningstar. Ashley and I also share a birthday. So, Ashly posted that she will be becoming Mrs. Jones soon and I replied "Something is happening and you don't know what it is. Do you?" I'm pretty sure nobody on that thread knew what I was talking about, so I decided to record this and I will be posting on that there thread some time later today.

It is super hot here in SD today, so the fan was on, blowing my hair around and making look like a rock star with a very limited budget for wardrobe. What? Are you saying that plain white undershirt that used to belong to my grandfather is not chic? I beg to differ.

I tried to record this twice. Sadly the first, the mic wasn't on again. Doh! I liked that version, but had to do it over. This version is fine too. I left, after the credits, when Gordo, esteemed pit bull of Dylan Avery, gave me kisses and a high five for a job well done. You'll have to enjoy that part sans sound though.

I have a little history with this tune that I should share. The Casbah is considered the hippest place in town for music. It even says something like that on their website. I used to go there when I cared about mingling with the hip folks. I just checked their website. It doesn't say that anymore, but it used to. I've played on their stage twice. The first time was as part of their "12 Days of Christmas" whoosiewhatsis. I was part of this show where local Jewish artists covered famous Jewish artists. We were opening for El Vez. I created the persona "Captain Jew," I made a fluorescent orange beak, wore glasses, white bike shorts and a shiny sequin shirt. I then rolled around the stage and sang "Ballad of a Thin Man." Somehow I think that performance made a strong impression on idol to all local bar owners/Casbah CEO Tim Mays. I guess he likes "Ballad of a Thin Man." Maybe I was on my way to big things at The Casbah. Nah.

Awhile later, I played there on a Monday night, brought out only a few folks. This was during the one ands only jeffersonjay.com week, an unmitigated train wreck. The next day, I broke my right index finger, slamming it in the door of my Monte Carlo. Jeffersonjay.com week over. I went underground for awhile and when I came out I was no longer interested in the amount of ass-kissing and fruitless phone calls required to play The Casbah for no money on a Monday night. God bless 'em all though. I am sure they are all managing fine without me. Now I have to go dig up the the verbiage the Bob Dylan webcops require me to put at the top of this speech, if I want this vid shared on the web. L'chiem.

Operation 365 - Jefferson Jay - Originals - 286 Incubator (A Lullaby)

So on that night, that I got up and wrote 5 songs that I wrote 5 songs, "Incubator (A Lullaby)" was the last of them. At that point, I was basically begging myself to go to sleep. Ever been at that point? Well, if you have this is a song for you. A lullaby for adults , if you will. I let Leanne name it and she picked "Incuabtor." I haven't yet determined the significance of the name, but I'm sure there is some. any analysis would probably unveil it. Gotta go teach kids. Peace

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