Sunday, September 11, 2011

Operation 365... Blog 285

Operation 365 - Jefferson Jay - Archives - 291 Robin Lee 6 4-16-09

Life is full of loss and change. There's little sense resisting this reality. Ten years and one day ago, Americans went to bed in a world without war, with little to fear outside of their own daily challenges. Ten years ago today, that America vanished forever. I miss it. We all do. As flawed as my nation is, I can look back in time before September 11 and recall a time when it was still possible to hope America would provide hope and righteousness for the world. When things go differently, it can be hard to know what to think or do.

Here Robin Lee plays a song I don't know the name to, with Jack Davidson, on April 16, 2009. If things can change for the worse, maybe things can change in the other direction too. Maybe America abandon its corporate greed and embrace humans and freedom. We must have hope to get through the challenges life offers. Here's a dream of peace for Robin, America and everybody. It's there. We just have to make it so.

Operation 365 - Jefferson Jay - Covers - 291 'Someone Like You" by Adele and Dan Wilson

Sometimes relationships end. Where does the love go when that happens? It doesn't disappear. The love still lives floating around in the universe. It is there, dormant, amongst us. My views on America's role in September 11th are well-known. I want to stay away from that today out of respect for the 2,974 who lost their lives 10 years ago today and the one million people, mostly Iraqi and Afghani civilians, that have lost their lives in ongoing wars since. How about the love those people held for their loved ones? Where does it go? In life, things change always. To hold on to something forever is unnatural. We all die some time.

I got an email last night from an ex-girlfriend. It was a link to a video of this tune by Adele (and Dan Wilson), "Someone Like You." I had never heard it before. It is a beautiful and emotional song and it reminded me of all the loving feelings and close times, she and I had. I learned it and played it. I wondered. Where does the love go? It is still in existence. It is resting.

Operation 365 - Jefferson Jay - Originals - 291 "Everywhere"

So, what can we do about all this confusion. All these feelings about missing loved ones, or missing the world before September 11th. The care-freeness, the security, living in a peaceful world. These realities are just that real.

I have written some songs about wonen I used to date. I even have a whole CD, I've never released and maybe never will, called "Women," that reflects on some of my adventures in misadventures in these circumstances. I dont play these tunes too much here in 365. While leaving them out, sort of leaves a whole in my story here, it is preferable to trying to reprise the sentiments in these songs from long ago. There are beautiful things in these relationships, just as there are beautiful we can recall and draw inspiration from in the days before 9/11. We need to let that love go and release it out into the universe for others who may need to draw on the power it provides. We can;t cling to it and demand it be ours any more than we can insist it be September 10, 2011 again. It can't. Those days are gone and what we learned them, the feelings we held, these are are reminders of the way things were then.

Here, I removed the words and left the music for one of those songs I was alluding to. I can't sing it anymore, but that doesn't mean the song doesn't exist. It doesn't the song can't be played. It just means that the world has changed. It is hard to handle change sometimes. It can be devastating. Today, we all know this. Where does the love go? Out into the universe, to be molded and changed, felt and shared, recycled, if you will. Released like a dove. The love, the hope, all of it. It goes "Everywhere."

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