Saturday, September 10, 2011

Operation 365... Blog 284

Operation 365 - Jefferson Jay - Archives - 290 Robin Lee "Eat My Flesh" 4-16-09

Continuing with Robin's set from 4-16-2009. This is her classic gritty number, "Eat My Flesh." SHe says at the end of this clip, that this is really a spiritual song. I guess we have to be at peace with the realities of the word, even those that apear most grim. Jack Davidson joins Robin on lead guitar, as he did so often in those days. I love Robin and miss her. Had you read that before? Well, good. It's still true. You do what you gotta to do int his world. Sometimes its just more confounding than others.

I remember when Robin first wrote "Eat My Flesh, Bury My Bones." Some people are like, "Check out my new tune." You listen and say, "Well, that's nice." Robin busts out "Eat My Flesh, Bury My Bones." It's hard to know what to say then. I was like, "(pause)... (pause)... Nice one, Robin. That's a really nice song." What can you say? Some people are individuals. I love those folks. Robin is as good an example as you'll ever find of one of those kinds of people. God bless her, her flesh, her bones, all of her. God bless.

Operation 365 - Jefferson Jay - Covers - 290 "Depending on You" by Tom Petty

Struggled some to come up with a cover for today's 365. It is a beautiful day and all kinds of things are going on. I am chilling home with the pooches. So I thought about Petty's "American Girl," considered his "Yer So Bad," and then "Depending on You" descended into my brain and there is goes. Enjoy one of the more obscure tunes of Tom Petty's great CD, "Full Moon Fever." Peace

Operation 365 - Jefferson Jay - Originals - 290 "Cox Communications Rocks"

So for some time now, I've been hoping to make more money from my music. How to do this? Well, that's the $175.00 question. Occasionally, someone will ask me, "Why don't you try to sell one of your songs to another artist? Would you be interested in doing something like that?" or "Have you thought about trying to get one of your songs in a commercial?" Well, the answer is yes, I've thought about all that stuff and would totally be down for any of it, but I've found getting your song to a famous artist who's interested or getting your song in some commercial is just about as difficult as getting a song on the radio yourself. In any case, you need someone who has connections in these areas to help get to where you wanna be.

So today, I am attempting a different type of direct action in this pursuit. Cox Communications is the main cable televisions provider in the San Diego realm. I don;t have cable or TV these days but please don't tell Cox. I am still their customer for this web business here. Go Cox! Yeah, I figured, if I wrote, sung, and recorded a song about how much I love Cox, they could hardly help themselves from hiring me and putting my super song in a spot or 10. Who wouldn't love to see me and Gordo, and Nigel singing about Cox as they flip the channels? I know I would, and I'd love to get paid too. COX! COX! COX! COX! COX! COX! COX! COX! COX!

Cox, reach out. Let's make a deal. I'm waiting. Come on, Cox. Let's do this. You'll make money...

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