Saturday, April 2, 2016

Operation 365 2… Blog 100

Operation 365 2 – Jefferson Jay – Originals – 100 “100 Days” by Jefferson Jay

So here we are at another 365 red-letter day, Day 100. Whoa. Anyone wanna tag in? Wrestlemania is tomorrow, you know? Anyone wanna run the next 100 meters? We got to be due for an Olympics at some point soon. Well on Day 200 ( I checked. It was 201.) in Operation 365 1, I did a tune called “200 Days.” You can hear it here if you’re hella eager, (I’ll take hella eager over hella apathetic any time, frankly,)

Anyway, seemed prudent to have a “100 Days” tune, sort of a matching set type thing. Who knows. The chords are A, D, E if you want to play along or rip solos or anything. I improvised the words once I hit record. I had a lovely day with my friends, Maddie Moon and Nate and Jade (Congratulations! yesterday, oh, and super pooch Mr. Pibb. So love and acknowledgements to them all for their fine Vista/OB hospitality yesterday.

Operation 365 2– Jefferson Jay – Covers – 100 “You’ve Got Time” by Regina Spektor

I’ve been on a binge with the TV theme songs, (unintentionally) this week. Here is Regina Spektor’s “You’ve Got Time,” which is the theme for Netflix’s “Orange Is the New Black,” a show I watch. I guess we’ve all got time in a way. It depends on how you view life. If you view it as a pleasure of a gift, well, in a way you’ve still got time, because no one stays forever, but if you look at life as less pleasant, well, maybe you  feel like you’ve got time every day. There are many things that can terrorize a human these days. The news, cat burglars, trans fats, Monsanto, nicotine, planes, helicopters, road rage, reality TV, Diet Coke, pork rinds, all sorts of things. I guess it’s best to try to feel blessed and not so much incarcerated. Sometimes I see folks who look like they feel incarcerated and my heart goes out to them. I know some folks who are actually incarcerated. My heart go out to them too. I saw this week about a judge who’s going away for 28 years cause he took a million dollars to put (relatively) innocent kids in prison. Ouch. Come one, Judge. Not nice. You could do better.

Speaking of places people want to get out of, I believe Regina Spektor did some time at my old alma mater, Fair Lawn High School. It was after my time so I don’t really know how that all worked out, but congratulations to her, for emerging from the borough that is Fair Lawn. I wonder if she starred in the musical sat FLHS, like I did, so many years ago. I believe this is the 25th show, my math says it should be 24th, for John Giresi, the fellow who directs the musicals over at Fair Lawn High. My senior show was his first show. I played Seymour. We did “Little Shop of Horrors.” It was a difficult time for me. My best friend died a month before the show took the stage. I have fond recollections of that production. It helped me through the most difficult time of my life. I am glad Mr. Giresi has made it and if we helped get him off to great start (We did.) then all the better. Way to keep to going for 24 or 25 years.

One last piece of Fair Lawn business. Last week, my old Physics teacher,  Howie Friedman passed away. There was an article in the Huffington Post about it.

So, I guess I should say a few words about Mr. Friedman. One, I liked his Physics class. It was the only part of science I ever understood. Guy deserves some credit for that, a lot actually. I, to this day, like physics. It remains the only science I really get at all. In my first songs I ever wrote, with dear pal and fellow Demarests member, Scott Baslaw, part of the lyrical inspiration was “we’ll fly past C (the speed of light) to save our family,” words from my deepest hopes in dreams after the passing of the best friend things I referenced earlier. That’s not all.

I was in The Boptones. Junior year, I sang back up. Mr. Freidman gave me one lead, “Rocket Man,” by Elton John. I fell on my face pretty dramatically practicing that one in front of the upperclassmen. I eventually cut it myself, to spare me further embarrassment. The song was way too hard for me then. Still ain’t easy… It’s what our eloquent lead singer that year Eric Townsend would have called an “abortion.” He was sweet…

My senior year, I sang lead for the Boptones. Had a lot of tunes and costume change for each one. The Boptones was a pretty big deal. We sold out the 800-seat auditorium. That was Howie Freidman. He’d sing too. “I Put A Spell on You,” “Aqualung.” It was triumphant and disgusting. A student/teacher rock band, my first rock band. Who knows how profoundly it’s effected me? Probably more than I’ll ever realize. So thank again to Mr. Freidman for that too. 

Perhaps my one bone to pick with Mr. Friedman, God rest his soul, was really only a bone I have to pick with myself. After Tony, the afore-mentioned best friend died in February 1992, I was about as fucked up as you could possibly be. Way more fucked up than I had ever previously conceived. I was in very bad shape. I could have used a tender shoulder or some words of wisdom from Mr. Friedman. He didn’t have it in him. Maybe that’s not his fault. He was a Physics teacher, Maybe he just wasn’t a warm and cuddly guy. I didn’t really expect that from my other teachers, but he was so visionary and open-minded in some ways, I felt I really could have used it from him. He was the opposite of warm and when years passed and I’d visit and he’d be extremely warm to the young ladies I’d graduated with and barely cordial with me. I didn’t like that much either.

I forgive you Mr. Freidman. I’m sure it wasn’t personal and you were doing the best you could. So was I. Maybe you were disappointed it wasn’t better then. I don’t know. I forgive myself for wishing you’d done more all these years too. That ledger is closed. I apologize for having expectations of you and I like to think you’d have been sorry if you’d known I was disappointed or how much I help I really needed way back then. Thank God these are simpler times. May the children enjoy their high school musical this weekend and not have to do it in a cloud of rage over the loss of their best friend. May they just have happy, simple, high school times, like I did in Physics class, ‘til February 1992.

May we all have Peace like Mr. Freidman now does. Thanks, Howie. I’m ready to give you the benefit of the doubt now. You tried. Sorry, it took me all this time.

Operation 365 2 – Jefferson Jay – Words – 100 “Do What Warms Your Heart”

There’s a lot of unhappy people out there in the world and it saddens me. People build up problems or feel guilty about things from the past. Who knows what it is that gets folks down? Depression. All sorts of things, I suppose. Today, I offer a few gentle suggestions of things to that can turn those frowns upside down. Some sunshine… Something that warms your heart. Whatever it takes. Life is meant to be enjoyed. I wish that for everyone.

I sat out in the sun and played a lot of new jamborees for awhile before recording this and it made my heart feel placid.

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