Saturday, January 8, 2011

Operation 365... Blog 39

Operation 365 - Jefferson Jay (with Paul Ruiz) - Covers - 45 "Sleeping Monkey" by Phish

I have always loved this Phish jam and you can never go wring with songs about monkeys. Why can't you set your monkey free? I've seen this at many a Phish show over the years and showed it to Paul Ruiz using one from a Phish show on 4/16/92. I remember that day well. Wasn't at Phish though. Anyway, I love this tune. Never take yourself too seriously. That's my free and unsolicited advice for the day. Merci.

Operation 365 - Jefferson Jay - Archives - 45 "Phoebe" by Philly B - 12-9-2008

This is Philly B, my dear friend and long-time king of my Open Mic. you know it is a great program when it boasts a royal family. not sure that applies to countries, but to Open Mic, absolutely. Here, Philly plays one of my favorite tunes of his, a tribute to "Phoebe," his late great guitar. THis version was recorded at my Open Mic on December 9, 2008 and you can hear the enthusiastic audience getting down throughout. Philly is married to Jillian yesterday's Operation 365 Archive Star of the Day. They are currently living in Arizona working on nurturing talented superhumans who will save the world with their incredible musical skills and abilities.

Operation 365 - Jefferson Jay (with Paul Ruiz) - Originals - 45 "Together"

Wrote this tune a few years back about a friend with a dysfunctional family. It's about how we all are part of nature and how we all come back together somewhere someday somehow before it's all over for reals... as if it ever is.

Paul Ruiz joins me again on trumpet. Mmmm hmmmm. There is a woodpecker at the end of the song if you stick around til after the credits. Just letting you know. Peace

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