Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Operation 365... Blog 43

Operation 365 - Jefferson Jay - Archives - 49 Richard Romero with Maciek, Paul Lopez & Soul Man-4-9-2009

Here 4 of my friends rock out on Thursday April 9, 2009. Richard Romero on guitar, bass and looping, Maciek on flute, Soul Man on guiro and Paul Lopez on congas. All of these gentlemen appear on my new CD and I'm very excited about it. Right now, Soul Man is talking to Blowski and I on speaker phone. He says he's going to play his Cuban guiro tonight. These guys are rockin and I think they're all swell... Super Swell! Blowski's trying to get Soul Man to be a funny vampire in a movie he's "producing", a funny, guiro-playing vampire. "I don't know. I don't like cameras," Soul Man said. I don't know either Soul Brother.

Operation 365 - Jefferson Jay - Covers - 49 "The Stranger" by Billy Joel

It's like I'm rolling a die and it keeps coming up Billy Joel. It's not planned I swear. My excuse this time. I was languishing on Facebook and I found this:

Erin Barry Bleiweiss
Best FUCKING interview I have ever heard. Am I partial to Billy? Anyone who who has met me for more than 5 minutes can answer that one... but seriously, no one can interview better than Howard. Finally got to listen to the entire thing. PLEAS DO YOURSELVES A FAVOR and experience THIS.

Billy Joel on Howard Stern Show 11-16-10 (AUDIO) |
Billy Joel on Howard Stern Show 11-16-10 (AUDIO) If only this man's penis could tell stories . And I'm not even being a hater, but for me... for me, the
about an hour ago · Like · Comment · Share

Elaine Kravetz I actually sat in my car... In my parents driveway listening to this off the charts, killer interview. It was almost like a fan was doing the interview and asking all of the greatest questions....

53 minutes ago · Like
Lisa Pollack I can not thank you enough for posting this.
35 minutes ago · Like

Well I don't know Elaine Kravetz, but I did shows back in high school with the other two ladies there and we all had lots of good memories. I found myself thinking back to some Stern interview with Billy Joel I heard in my my brother's car back in October. I think they talked about this other interview they were going to have. I was wondering if it was the same on. Anyway, next thing you know I'm playing "The Stranger," one of the cooler Billy Joel tunes and a tune I don't remember ever playing before. I skipped the big, long piano sections and the whistling bit cause I suck at whistling.

Operation 365 - Jefferson Jay - Originals - 49 "Avalon"

"Avalon" is a newish song. Funny, you don't look newish. I think it will be on one of my CDs some day. Avalon is mystical legendary land. They say Arthur's sword Excalibur was forged there. I don't know but according to the lyrics to my song, your mother has her foot here... again.

Operation 365 - Jefferson Jay - Outtakes - 49 "P.S. I Love You/A Chat With Warner"

Was trying to get a head start on tomorrow's 365 and was playing with "P.S. I Love You," another newish tune of mine. I received a phone call from artist extraordinairre John Warner, whom I had called to discuss making a poster for my new Open Mic at The Turquoise in La Jolla at 7PM on Monday nights. I never get interrupted by phone calls when I'm 365ing. That's very unusual. We are to discuss artwork for my new CD too. Anyway, it's part of a song and part of a brief chat I felt like sharing 'cause it's a little east coast funny. Slightly.

TAGS: i love you, warner, john warner, Philadelphia, Jefferson jay, indian food, gandhi, puking, unfunny, rude, east coast, slightly, cell phone, speaker, ha ha, outtake

Additional TAGS added upon youtube suggestion: “dental” "tough guy" chords "prank call" "superhero film”

Where do they come up with this stuff?

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