Saturday, January 1, 2011

Operation 365... Blog 32

Operation 365 - Jefferson Jay - Archives - 38 JAMP Jack Davidson - guitar, Paul Ruiz - trumpet, Amadou Fall - kora, Misha Borisovsky - violin - 2-12-10

One-time performance of four great musicians. Happy New Year!

Operation 365 - Jefferson Jay - Originals - 38 "April"

To me "April" represents two things. The start of something fresh and new and and the fact that memories hold whatever significance you attach to them. People cling to the Nee Year as a change to get a clean slate and make changes, do some things different in their lives. This song means you can do that any day. Things only mean what you say they mean, only bear what attachments of significance you allow them to.

Nature bursts fresh every year in Spring, another word with many meanings. We can make our own Spring any time we choose. It's just that many more do this with New Year's Resolutions than any other time of the year. Here's wishing everyone a year, better yet an existence, full of as many fresh starts and new beginnings as it takes to get you to be happy and feeling blessed to be alive all the time. That's what you deserve.

Operation 365 - Jefferson Jay - Covers - 38 "New Year's Day" by U2

I am posting this on January 1, 2011, 1/1/11. The reason why is I. Maybe I shoudl have done their tune "One" instead. Happy New Year

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