Friday, January 15, 2016

Operation 365 2... Blog 22

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Originals – 22 “Mercury in Retrograde”

Now, I like to think I’m as optimistic as the next guy but, Mercury in retrograde has really been hammering me this year. I’m no astrologist but my limited understanding is that a few times a year for a few weeks at a time Mercury is moving backwards in relation to the other planets. And for some reason whenever this happens I become a helpless spaz. If beer needs to be spilled in to my camera or on my living room rug, if a huge cup of water needs to be spilled all over seconds before I’m about to go to sleep. If my bag needs to break and my wedding ring needs to vanish, Mercury in retrograde can assure that I will conquer all these tasks. Even the simplest of tasks like plugging in my phone or putting anything anywhere really, become rocket science if you’re me, during Mercury in retrograde. It’s tough. I’ve been looking for my wedding ring for hours and hours and obsessing on it the rest of the time.

Last night, between spill and expletives deleted, I wrote this tune so acclaimed director/amigo Dylan Avery, his new gal pal, Jessie and I would have a song to offer to ye Operation 365. So I wrote this tune, we recorded it. I recorded an amazing interview with Dylan after. Hilarious, if I do say so myself, but it’s Mercury in retrograde so it didn’t record right and no one will ever see it. Enjoy the tune and be safe through Jaunary 25th, 2016.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Covers – 22 “As Long as She Can Go” by Scott Baslaw and Eric Townsend

In my formative creative years, I spent a lot of time in the chorus room of a certain Northern New Jersey high school. There, we youngins, spent a lot of unsupervised down time, during auditions, plays, rehearsals. When I was real lucky, one of the piano-playing youngins would sit down and play. I loved it. It mesmerized me often and sometimes it was just send-up sing-alongs that stuck with me maybe way longer than they should have.

This is one such song. My long time collaborator in the The Demarests, Scott Baslaw was on piano and Eric Townsend supplied lyrics and vocals. They were crude, inappropriate and funny enough that for years and years whenever I’d sit down at a piano, this is what I’d play. These chords and those words sure go together in my head and it still makes me laugh and smile. Here, I take a brief moment from my subbing day, to share those chords and reflect on those challenging and humorous days from so long ago.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Words – 22 "Do Not Lose Your Wedding Ring"

Here is another Public Service Announcement from the Operation 365. Number 2, I believe. It is an important one, for a whole variety of reasons disclosed within. Be smart. Keep the ring on.

Hail Jumbo.

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