Thursday, January 21, 2016

Operation 365 2... Blog 28

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Covers – 28 “The Sounds of Silence” – Simon and Garfunkel

The star of today’s 365 is the irrepressible snuggle-hound, Nigel. If you can not fall in love with him through today’s videos, please immediately dial 911, because something may be seriously wrong with you. I’m concerned. Hilarious jokes aside, Nigel here effortlessly upstages me by licking himself, being cute and spitting up. How is my funky “Sounds of Silence” supposed to measure up to his supreme cuteness? It’s not, but maybe they can work together somehow. Keep hope alive!

Shout out to Harper Lee, who will be two soon and has hair just like Art Garfunkel.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Originals – 28 “Run Along” by Jefferson Jay

Christmas time 2012, I was taking accounts of my life and reflecting as we, artists do from time to time. I decided to write a song about every member of our happy household, which at the time included, my wife Leanne, my venerable best pal, the since converted to energy super-pooch Angel, my iPhone and our little pup, Nigel. We got Nigel during the first 365 and that worked out because it led to us having lots of videos of him at his puppy cutest.

“Run Along” was the tune I wrote for Nigel and I think it summed him up pretty well at the time. He runs fast and loves to be cute and snuggle. We are very fortunate and blessed to have him in our life. Here, he and Leanne dance around triumphantly, because they found this tunes’ infectious grooving, irresistible. Dig or dance around with your dog. It’s the way.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Words – 28 “The Amazing Nigel”

Here, Nigel, puts the cherry atop the cake, which is his role in today’s Operation 365, by being cute and standing on my chest. Please DO NOT try this at home. Thank you for flying Operation 365 Airlines, home of the hella friendly skies. Words.

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