Monday, January 25, 2016

Operation 365 2... Blog 32

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Covers – 32 “Friday on My Mind” – The Easybeats

Decided to hit the 365 hard, first thing Monday morning. I was thinking Monday tunes, “Monday, Monday”… Tried it. Nah. “Manic Monday”… Love that one, but it’s by Prince and he refuses to let anybody cover his songs, so I won’t bother. So I went in another direction. Forward. Into the past.

“The Past?” You ask. Well, back in high school we had a little student/teacher rock band called The Boptones. We sold out our 800-seat auditorium and it was very good for the old personal and professional growth. Who knew at the time? Not I. Anyway our teacher/leader turned me on to this tune during rehearsals for that group and here it is today, almost 25 years later. I am an optimist. I love Mondays, but as a people we love Fridays. Wanna feel good at the start of a long work week? Monday, have Friday on your mind.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Originals – 32 “The Same” by Jefferson Jay

I wrote this song in 2013, I believe. The 365 is good for keeping track of what I’ve done. Otherwise, it tends to all blur together. So I wrote this tune back then and when I’ve played it from time to time, I’ve liked it. I hope this is a good enough version for people to dig the tune. Peace

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Words – 32 "Sentient Beings"

A message to all sentient beings…

What are words? Do they matter? Lying usually involves words, but ideas, thoughts, feelings, love. Within these, lies our grand ability. The ability to cure the world of what ails and rejoice together as one, once more…


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