Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Operation 365 2... Blog 257

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Originals - 257 “We Delight"

Yesterday was another majestic holiday, celebrated with friends. This blessed circle I hang in sort of spring up about ten years ago. It was Memorial Day, I believe and it started a long string and holidays with friends and family in SD. I wouldn't want it any other way.

So, it got late eventually, as it does and my swell wife, Leanne fell asleep. I took the opportunity to get up, enjoy quiet time, and bust out some creativity. It was a nice run. I think I wrote six tunes about. "We Delight" was the first one. It is simply a grateful reflection on the humble happiness we found celebrating. Humble gratitude will take you far. Thank you universe, for your kind and generous support.

This number is brand new and I know it will keep getting tighter if I keep playing it, which I hope too. Today, this may be a little choppy. Maybe not. I am 365ing from a friend's computer. My car is being checked for vehicle health. Wish the Tealmobile less leaking. Hail. 

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Covers - 257 “Water” by David A . Goodman

A couple weeks back, an amigo, Dylan Avery, expressed disappointment that my "Water" video wasn't this one. Well, now it is. Eschew that disappointment, my fair mate. I dug it out. It's a toss-up whether the songwriting credit for the "Family Guy" jam should go to episode author, David A. Goodman or the random douchebag credited for the wrecking the guitar by Stewie. You decide. I've noticed a strange phenomenon. I should state for the record that I don't believe in randomness. I've noticed when I am making a "W" video, like I am today, other same-letter-beginning videos find their way into the fray. One note against that being "random" is I use an app, OnSong, that organizes songs alphabetically, so the cover an the original are often neighbors. But, how that relates to the "Words" vid... There's some mystery there, some destiny I've yet to uncover. Words.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Words - 257 “Knuckle Wrinkles”

Sometimes I like to pretend. It's important to keep the imagination functional and fresh. So today, as I glanced at my iPad, I ranted a tad about wrinkles. How much more natural can you get than aging? Zero? I'm not a math guy. Anyway, please save me from this inevitable fate. Salve? Ointment? Horribly dangerous plastic surgery? Work with me here people. I'm open to outrageous ideas.

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