Sunday, September 11, 2016

Operation 365 2... Blog 262

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Words – 262 “Hit Your Own Button”

Been having a lot of fun ranting and raving lately about nonsense on the “Words” component on the now legendary and record-breaking 365. Ha! A couple of people have asked me how it feels to be famous since my Huffington Post article went live Friday. Uhhh… The same. Here is some first rate shenanigans, touching on a wide variety of topics from invisible little button-pushing men to the high quality and great work done by “Brown” folks over the year. Enjoy Happy Sunday!

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Covers - 262 “The Ballad of John and Yoko” by John Lennon

I was talking about “Brown” folks here, and then I went to pick a cover in my front yard for you and I landed here at this tune. One of the first lines in it, One I did not recall was about a man named Peter Brown, a “Brown” man. How about that. Note: I have no idea what “color” Peter Brown is. Who cares? Anyway, I powered through and near the end a neighbor walked by. He loves wrestling, even has a customized wrestling license plate. That’s’ here for you too. The Operation 365: the gift that keeps on giving. Love you.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Originals - 262 “Sympathy”

I took a few stabs at my "Twenty Oh-One" song but then decided against it. It is a song sung by The Great Christmas Tree in one of my afore-mentioned Christmas musicals. I think I will instead go with something a bit less provocative here on September 11th, 2016. It's really not that provocative, but with sensitivities being what they are, and my mostly wanting to hold off on my Christmas musical songs anyway, I went in a different direction. I went with "Sympathy". The point of this little song "Sympathy" is that it's not always easy to feel. Sure, you can't not feel sympathy for folks who were personally affected by 9/11. I'd hope that goes without saying. 

Some situations are stickier though. For instance, they've been cutting down some stately old trees in the neighborhood here for safety. Well, that's great, but a lot of people don't want to see the trees go down. There is this whole pipeline issue in the news with the Native Americans in Dakotas. The Native Americans are another group it is very easy to sympathize and empathize with. I watched millionaire, retired WWE champion CM Punk try his luck unsuccessfully in the Octagon at UFC 203. Well, it's hard not to have sympathy for a dude who dreams big and takes a pounding, but that's why it is complicated and interesting and that's what this song, that I just made up here today for you, "Sympathy" is all about. 

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