Friday, September 9, 2016

Operation 365 2... Blog 260

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Covers - 260 “The Crystal Ship” by The Doors

 I wonder what "The Crystal Ship" is. I guess I could look it up, but apparently, I don't wonder quite that much. It's OK. I like a little mystery. Wanna know an interesting mystery? One we'll never know the answer to? I wonder what it would have been like if Jim Morrison made it to 2016. Would he remain the iconoclast he was in his life or would he have taken the paycheck like so many other 60's heroes and me pitching us Maybelline by now. Maybe he'd have pulled a Bruce/Caitlyn Jenner and be name Eunice by now. Who knows?

Well, The Doors remain provocative and interesting, so I'll have to fall back once more on one of my favorite old axioms, "Everything happens for a reason."

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Originals - 260 “Salute to How It Seems”

On Labor Night, my beloved bride went schluffy (it means to sleep) early so I literally stepped up (out of bed) and went and wrote a dozen or so songs at about 11:11, approximately. It took 80 minutes or so. For some strange reason, I filmed myself writing these songs although all it involved was my writing words and chords on pages in my notebook for a really long time. Probably some of the boringest footage ever. Apparently, the computer Gods agreed, 'cause it's gone, nowhere to be seen. I guess I must be glad that only that footage vanished. Probably saves me from lugging it around in hard drives for decades as well. I'll take. Here's the second song of the string, one I've enjoyed playing at work lately. New songs are so fun. They're like babies. All fresh-faced and full of potential. All upside.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Words - 260 “Staying Classy”

I know this is Southern California, where all the beautiful people reside, but I am not here to be objectified. Nosiree, Roberto. I think not. Now here, on Day 260, seemed as good a time as any to draw some firm lines and what types of titillation will and won't be accepted on this program. No blatant nudity. No sexual things. That about sums it up. Keeping it clean. If you're looking for some more scandalous material, might I suggest the first 365 by yours truly, or any of a million other website specializing in this sort of suggestive salacion.

No serious ideas were harmed in the making of this video

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