Monday, November 14, 2016

Operation 365 2... Blog 326

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Originals – 326 “When I’m Hungry”

What would you say if I told you today is the greatest day of your life? What would you say if I told you today is the greatest day of your life because you get to be here with me? What if I told you this is because I am great, awesome, amazing, and all other things woo-hoo. But I am better than no one. We are all great, awesome, amazing, and all other things woo-hoo. Now one can wake up in the morning and decide the day is stinky, they are stinky and this room full of children are stinky, but then how is the day going to be? Stinky. It can just as easily be the greatest day of your life.

Paraphrased, that is how I started my day in the classroom. I had fun challenging the children to think critically and teaching them something that no one else is ever going to teach them most likely. There are a lot of important things that never get touched n the classroom, like how to pay your taxes, what health insurance is and why you need it, how to get a job, how to have a happy relationship. These are all things that can enhance children’s educations to make them more complete. Add songwriting to the list.

So I used ABCs and 1234s and the next thing you know, I was in a room full of songwriters. The 4th graders at Kumeyaay Elementary School and I wrote “When I’m Hungry” and I think it’s a pretty neat tune. We had fun too. Nice kids at school today. L’chiem.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay – Covers – 326 “Rocky Mountain High” by John Denver

Overshadowed by Donald Trump’s dramatic victory in the presidential election last Tuesday, was California legalizing recreational marijuana. Now I’ve got to be honest, I’ve never tried the stuff, but you have to figure great states like Colorado and California wouldn’t be changing laws and voting on stuff if there wasn’t something pretty darn decent about the stuff. So when it becomes available for recreational purposes in 2018, I very well may have to give the stuff a try. Sounds recreational…

Shout-out to John Denver. I wasn’t going to post this version of “Rocky Mountain High” that I recorded a few weeks back, but today, I have band practice and I subbed earlier, so there’s no time in my mind. I hunted for a missing “Locomotive Breath” to no avail. So I hope you like it. It was a request a couple of Tuesdays ago from one of my Seniors.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Words – 326 “Bee Kind”

Toyed hard with the notion of naming this number "President Bee" as it does exist to offer congratulations to President Bee congratulations on his election as the 45th President of the United States. Now while that is a big story, it should not obscure all the other ideals that people can exhibit daily to make life and living as fulfilling as possible. Folks like to complain online and I can understand why. It is easy, much easier than doing something to make things better for getting personally involved outside your house in any way.

Here, we offer sage wisdom alongside our well-wishes to America's first "bee" president. There is a profound lesson than can be gleaned from these foreign bee characters, different in so many ways from an actual human. The lesson is this. Bee kind. Yes, a simple lesson, usually left in childhood, but equally important very single day. Bee kind. You can learn a lot from someone different, even a bee, even someone who speaks a language you don't understand, even someone who flies and is always buzzing. Hail President Bee. 

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