Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Operation 365 2... Blog 341

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay – Covers – 341 “Wait” by The Beatles

Om Shanti. Namaste. Everything happens for a reason. Sometimes it takes awhile to realize what it is. That’s why patience is a thing. Faith in destiny. I eagerly await the next challenge. Doing more. Reaching more people. Actualizing what this has been about the whole time. Landing. Basking in the glow of doing what I’ve been put here to do. I guess I’ve been doing that the whole time. I’m ready for something more. Transmission. Connection. Growth. Celebration.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay – Originals – 341 “The Cost of Living”

I think I may have stunted my songwriting flow in recent weeks by writing some tunes in one of my books and kind of forgetting about them. Everything has an order and there is a lot to the whole “one door closes, another opens” idea. So, I opened the door to my notebook and picked up where I left off. This guy was the first one up. I wrote about 6 songs late one night. I embraced the first couple and ignored the rest. I think I have cleared the deck now and I have tunes recorded for a couple of days. There is nothing wrong with these tunes. Three is nothing wrong with any of us. We are all perfectly fine. That’s what my friend Happy Bear says. I say, “Everything happens for a reason.” I can’t wait to find out what it is.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay – Words - 341 “Well, That Was Fun”

Well, my friends. All great things must come to an end. We rarely choose when. Some ends are just well-disguised beginnings. You just never know what anything is really. Time tells us that. All you can do is bring your best intentions and your love with you where you go and trust it will work out. Otherwise, we need to be where we are wanted, doing what we are meant to do. That’s what I want to do. Contribute what I capable of and help as many people as possible doing it. That and have fun. That was fun.

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