Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Operation 365 2... Blog 327

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Originals – 327 “The Island Princess Song”

Was great to be back at work today. Always is when you love your job. Got to play a whole bunch of music. Lots of requests. Even conjured a few numbers from thin air. So I made 25 chunks of video here and when they all load into my ancient iMovie program I will start going through them picking a few out for you.

This 365 is almost over, folks. Can you believe it? What now? 38 days left? Yep. Perty neat. It has been a fun experience so far. I have improved on guitar from playing every day. Wrote a couple hundred songs bout. Shared a whole bunch of stuff from my library of songs that may never have been shared otherwise. Got to open up my life to the people for 11 months about, through all the wild changes the world has in a year. It’s nice to be less alone. It’s nice to feel like you’re contributing something to life as a whole. Sharing is caring. That should be the mantra of 365 life.

Someone suggested I sing a song about an “Island Princess.” She may have wanted some Disney song I didn’t know. So I made one up. Maybe I can license it to those suckas someday.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Words – 327 “Sunny, Please”

Now, I do whatever I can to bring joy to the special people I work with. Now, I may have raised the bar too high, because I received a request today that may exceed my pay grade by a significant margin. One of my friends, asked if I would make it sunny… pleeeeeeease. I discussed this with her, honored by her faith in my abilities. Why not embrace optimism, I say? So I figured, I may as well take credit, in case sunny happened. Sunny happens. May as well play into the legend, right? Worked for our next president. Right…?

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay – Covers – 327 “White Bird” by It’s a Beautiful Day

Here’s another number that was brought into my sphere of existence by a special friend, today at work. I assumed it was some newer song because many songs I don’t know are. Seconds ago I learned it was from a San Francisco band in 1969. Pretty neat. Thanks to my friend for the cool tune and the duet. I thanked her after class and she asked me why. Did I say I love my job?

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