Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Operation 365 2... Blog 334

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Words – 334 “Sri Chinmoy”

364 days out of 365 I have better things to do than read boring stuff to you. Today (actually yesterday) I got myself a little caught off track in the pursuit of delivering you some actual facts. That’s right, folks. While the fact officially went extinct in 2041, here in the Pre-Post-facts Era, I aim to deliver you some truth, as if there even is such a thing. Ha ha!!!! So here’s a little bit about an interesting fella named Sri.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Originals – 334 “This is My 333rd Song”

That there Sri Chinmoy fella, was a proud dude, proud of prolific poetry and proud of his physical fitness. When I went to one of his “events” they boasted he had written 333 songs. They asked us not to clap. It was weird. I was tickled by this fact and "wrote my “333rd” song and if I correctly recall, it sounded a lot like this.

Those of you who pay close attention may recall I said I did two days worth of fun during a productive stint yesterday. So, I’m figuring, hey what the heck. Let’s share what we got. Why don’t we? So this is sort of Day 333, Part 2, but to keep things simple we’ll call it. Day 334.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay – Covers – 334 “Alma Mater” by Unknown

Folks be loving to be part of something. A political party, a favorite sports team, a fraternity or a sorority. Even if the group does dumb stuff, folks a re thrilled to identify with some others and really get their bond on. I’m a big fan of having friends and working in groups, but that’s about where I draw the line. I ain’t looking to be anyone’s Gestapo. Nosiree.

That said, I am an alumnus, of Humboldt State and San Diego State University. Fair Lawn High to, so hail those places for tolerating and nurturing me some. Onward and upward. Yes, yes ya’ll. And ya don’t stop.

For the record, I never understood what the words to this tune meant, and with that said, I only bothered singing a few of them. Hail.

Well, I was under this distinct misimpression that there was only one “Alma Mater” song and every school sung it with the name of their school subbed in. Wrong. In fact, I have no idea what song this is, except it is the first line of whatever “Alma Mater” we sang in High School. Ironic, it is, because I don’t care at all about any of this stuff, yet I find myself here researching nonetheless.

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