Sunday, March 6, 2011

Operation 365... Blog 95

Operation 365 - Jefferson Jay - Archives - 102 Jason Burleson "Today's a New Day" - 3-10-2009

Ola amigos. Today's 365 starts off with another fine song from our friend, Jason Burleson in the Archives. This is his number "Today's a New Day," recorded at my Open Mic on March 10, 2009. Jason's my pal and he's been going to my shows for many years. Sometimes, he'll get this tune going with a little sing-along thing where he walks into the audience. It's pretty cool.

Operation 365 - Jefferson Jay - Outtakes - 102 Kellis McDonald - 12-18-2008

Facebook told me a couple of my friends have birthdays today. Philly B, former King of my Open Mic and Kellis McDonald. When I was going through clips of Kellis to use last week, I found this clip. Well, the music I loved, but I was literally learning to use my video camera at this time so the video footage is horrible at best. laughable, and it's all my fault. I decided to save this for an outtake , cause the music is so damn good , though, So I'll post it today, cause it's just sitting in my Outtakes folder and today is his special day. I don't suppose this would count as a present, but it does show that he is on my mind. Hope you're well, Kellis. Hope to see you soon.

I have a number of outtakes I haven't used sitting around. Maybe I'll use them in cases like today. Maybe they can be extras on a DVD set someday. I have no idea.

Operation 365 - Jefferson Jay - Covers - 102 "Hevenu Shalom Alechem (We Come To Greet You In Peace)

When I taught music in Encinitas a few years back, I would enjoy going through the music text books from time to time and playing songs I was familiar with. This was one I would play here and again. I may have missed my true calling. Perhaps I should have been a cantor. Maybe it's not too late. Well, consider this my audition, temples. I come to greet you in peace.

Operation 365 - Jefferson Jay - Originals - 102 "Raining On Phelebe"

Long story. Well, I saw on Facebook that it;'s my friend, Philly B's birthday today. That made me think if this song that I never ever play because the name in it sounds like his. So a few years ago, I was visiting Jersey and I had dreams a couple nights in a row where somebody was singing the chorus to this tune over and over again. It was a vivid memory. After this happened two nights in a row, I wrote the whole thing down and wrote this song about it.

I didn't know what Phelebe meant so I looked it up and only one thing came up.

This link, if you don;t feel like clicking, tells the story of this little bunny girl who wants to write but loses her book out by a tree when it starts to rain. The girl is scared but she overcomes her fear and finds a friend. I thought that was trippy and built it into my tune. When I returned to San Diego, I played this new song for myt dear friend Robin Lee, who was over visiting. She laughed her ass off. I'm not sure I've ever seen her laugh that hard. She thought the whole thing was hilarious, in a ridiculous sort, crazy person, sort-of-way, and who knows, maybe she was right. It was from my dream though. So here it is, a super random song I never play, "Raining On Phelebe." Happy Birthday Philly B.

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