Thursday, March 31, 2011

Operation 365... Blog 119

Operation 365 - Jefferson Jay - Archives - 127 Jefferson Jay - "February" 4-20-2010

Whoa. This is like today. I have been recording and preparing a lot of videos the last couple of days in anticipation of our California Tour beginning here tomorrow. Archives, covers, there is a lot of fun stuff for folks to look forward to in the next week plus on the 365. I have not yet done the originals, but the covers and the archives are ready to go.

Here, as we transcend from winter into spring, I offer one more "February," as a farewell to a fine season. Winter is always intense. i learned that a long time ago. Even without the the weather in the west, there is still a coldness, a finality, a death of sorts that occurs every winter. We shed our skins, if you will, and re-emerge ready for another adventure. I know I am. Here is February for you. Tomorrow, April.

Operation 365 - Jefferson Jay - Covers - 127 "The Hokey Pokey" - Al Tabor

So I am taking this doing kids' songs thing to the next level. Over the next week, I am going to bring you a constant stream of little, LITTLE kid classics, done in my own inimitable Jefferson Jay Way. Fun and bizarre. Unique. Whatever. It starts here with "The Hokey Pokey," so put your whatever you're feeling in and shake it all around for a good few seconds while you listen to this one.

I got the chords for this tune and all the immediately upcoming ones from this really cool website right here:

Operation 365 - Jefferson Jay - Originals - 127 "Turning Point"

As much as I was looking forward to putting up "A Song," yesterday, this is one I wasn't really in a hurry for. I like this song. The music is evocative, but it is sappy, overly emotional, and sad. It was written at a low point in a band I used to be in about 13 years ago. I was really into it, overlooking every flaw and when I realized we were moving to DSan Francisco and it wasn't going to work out, I was bummed. Many more details exist of course, but hat is far more than I even feel like sharing.

Anyway, I haven't played "Turning Point" in years, but I played it enough times to more or less remember it so I busted it out here for you topday. I decided to speed it up and make it a little more bouncy. I also switched around a few of the words. This was mostly done to try to make it fresh for me and so it wouldn't seem as mopey.

What I got from going back through it more than anything, was how unhappy I was back then. The feeling is palpable and painful from the words. I am so thankful that I never have that bleak an outlook on life these days. My life feels like it's changed 180 degrees since I wrote those words. I didn't realize how much so. As I return to the road tomorrow to continue my journey, I hope I am ready to advance to yet another level, another turning point that will bring me even closer to enjoying a life made up of love, peace, bliss and happiness.

I just looked back at the lyrics again. I think what I feel least connected to in it now is the victimized sensation the lyrics purport. I don;t feel like a victim at all anymore. I'm glad. It's not a very attractive trait. There also seem to be some homo-erotic innuendos that I must have missed, but I am not willing to explore that any further. Biiiii...

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