Friday, April 1, 2011

Operation 365... Blog 120

Operation 365 - Jefferson Jay - Archives - 128 Jefferson Jay - "April" - 4-20-2010

Happy April everybody! Here is another version of my song "April. Gosh, I love this month. I think it stems from when I was a kid and baseball, spring and my birthday all came every year at this time. Here I am playing it with, Jack Davidson on guitar, Ricardo Gutierrez on djembe, and The Soul Man on guiro. This was filmed at my final Open Mic at Portugalia, the restaurant/nightclub, at which I used to do many of my shows, on April 20, 2010. I heard a rumor, from a reliable source, that "The Port," as we affectionately called it, might be going down for the dirt nap. I would say I'm sad about it, but I'm not.

Actually, I'm stoked. The dude in charge there clearly needs to move on to other things, because the good vibe ship has long since sailed under his management. I am 0% happy about anyone's misfortune, whether they created it themselves, or not. To the contrary, I love that room and if this increases the possibility that I could return to my favorite musical home of all time, that would be a gift from up above. So stoked at the mere prospect, however slight, that this may NOT be a clip from my final Open Mic at this location. Hope springs to life this time of year. New beginnings everywhere, even when you least expect them. Gosh, I love April.

Operation 365 - Jefferson Jay - Covers - 128 "The Itsy Bitsy Spider"

What a daring arachnid! Dig this kids' jam as I bring you 365ers a week plus of songs from when you were six.

Operation 365 - Jefferson Jay - Originals - 128 "Giddy About Going On Tour"

I'm not going to argue "Giddy About Going On Tour" is my best song ever. It's almost certainly closer to my worst. Heck, it breaks into "We Got To Get Out of This Place," a song I didn't even write. What it does do, though, is share the enthusiasm I'm feeling one hour away from Spring Break and only a few hours from my first touring experience in 8 years. I am stoked. Can ya' tell? Cue the theme to 70's sitcom "Good Times," cause I'm ready for a rock n' roll wold ride.. and I'm not even joking.

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