Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Operation 365... Blog 147

Operation 365 - Jefferson Jay - Archives - 154 Robin Lee 11 - 2-19-2009

Here is another great one from my dear friend Robin Lee. I am almost done posting her entire show from 2-19-2009, something I am quite proud of in my little own humble way. This was from right when she started throwing down jams with Jack Davidson. In fact this is classic performance when she called Jack, "Smokin' Jack Davis, after the song. This was classic for two reasons. One, after that, he told her he no longer wanted to be referred to as "Smokin'." She obviously was referring positively to his playing, but I guess he didn't go for the implications. It was also about this time that Robin learned that his real name was Jack Davidson, not Davis. All in all, hilarious.

This is another epic Robin Lee tune. Robin is perhaps one of the most underrated songwriters of all-time and I am not hyperbolizing. This is an autobiographical number. I know it specifically helped inspire a song by my pal Wes Davis, whose name in fact, actually is, Davis. I love this tune and I love Robin, wherever she is right now. They are also joined at this performance by The Soul Man, another awesome human being, on guiro. Enjoy!

Operation 365 - Jefferson Jay - Covers - 154 "This Land Is Your Land" by Woody Guthrie

Here is the classic ditty, "This Land Is Your Land" by Woody Guthrie. I've been doing this one with my students and they seem to like it a bunch. I even threw the harmony in there at the end that I learned when I sang this song in music when I was there same age as my students are now. This land IS your land. I really mean this.

Operation 365 - Jefferson Jay - Originals - 154 "Great Story"

In a fairly grand departure from my recent original posts, I have gone away from my extemporaneous, new song-of-the-day approach to a far more traditional method. This "Great Story," the title track off my first CD, which can be heard or purchased here.

"Great Story" was released in 2004. I have always dreamed of making of movie from this concept album. In fact, the whole story is written in my mind and has been for some time. The idea is what would happen if they world kept going in the direction that it is for another 40. Eight years have passed since I wrote all these tunes, and by all means it has. Maybe I ought to dictate the story arc to one of these here machines some time son. Probably. As the title track, you can kind of glean the whole idea of the story from this one tune. It seems like something big is going to happen. What are we going to do when it does? Should be interesting. Sounds like a great time to have some really, REALLY great friends.

Finally, I have been feeling the reggae vibe lately. In my new originals, at my gig at Winston;s last Saturday. There is just something about playing reggae here in Ocean Beach. All just feels right in the world when that happens. Thanks again Bob Marley for sharing this gift with the world.

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