Thursday, April 28, 2011

Operation 365... Blog 148

Operation 365 - Jefferson Jay - Archives - 155 Robin Lee - 12 - 2-19-2009

Here is the exciting conclusion of Robin Lee's set on February 19, 2009. She is playing her classic number "I'll Sleep When I'm Dead." She is joined once again by Jack Davidson on lead guitar and The Soul Man on guiro. Robin's entire set (12 tracks) has now been posted from this show as part of Operation 365. It is a great honor to have such special material to share as part of this project. I guess it's a public service of sorts to hose who care about hits sort of thing, or those fortunate enough to get to enjoy Robin Lee who may not otherwise have known her. As I say at the end of this video, I love Robin Lee. I hope she's doing well and I think about her lots and lots. Peace, wherever you are, Robin.

Operation 365 - Jefferson Jay - Covers - 155 "Stairway to Heaven" by Robert Plant and Jimmy Page

"Stairway To Heaven" is the greatest song of all time. Blah blah blah... So on. So forth. It's great. It's awesome. It's "Stairway To Heaven." For more info, visit my daily Operation 365 blog at

Operation 365 - Jefferson Jay - Covers - 155 "Never Gonna GIve You Up" popularized by Rick Astley

OK. So I lied to all those people on youtube, but here in the blog, the truth lies. How ironic.
So I rick-rolled em pretty bad, huh? Had to be done. I actually like this song. It is a million times better than "I Hate Everything About You" and "Pour Some Sugar On Me," just to name two. It is by three guys names Stock, Aitken, and Waterman, whoever they are. Whoever they are, they probably made a bunch off this tune, because it was a worldwide #1 hit. Thanks again to wikipedia for the deets. wiki adds that 13 million people have been rickrolled. How they know I have no idea, but let's make it an even 13 million and six, after my latest amazing accomplishment. I had to play it kinda quietly, because Leanne was taking an afternoon nap. I hope you enjoy my incredible amounts of cleveritude.

NOTE: For some reason youtube suggested I add "palestine" to the tags on this video. I did it, but I can't even imagine where they come up with this stuff. I kinda stopped checking as thoroughly all the nonsense I am allowing youtube to plant in my video tags. I am sure they are pulling some fast ones every chance they get, but then again, this is from a guy who thinks the bag of dog treats in front of him smells like a yummy salmon dinner, so maybe I best wrap this up and grab some human food before something bad happens.

Operation 365 - Jefferson Jay - Originals - 155 "Be Careful"

A cool thing about the 365 in recent weeks is, I've been writing lots of new original tunes with the express purpose of sticking them in this here Operation. Some of them I think have been pretty cool. Others, I'm sure I wont even realize how cool they are until I can come back when this is all said and done and give them a fair evaluation. necessity isn't necessarily the best reason to write tunes, but that doesn't mean you can't write some good ones that way.

Everything matters in this world. There are no irrelevant instants ever. This song encourages all to take heed the value in our times and in our minds. Be careful. Sometimes, everything depends on it. Love.

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